Friday, December 13, 2013

A planet 'orbit' Valencia -

The Alicante astrophysicist George Lillo-Box has led the international team of researchers announced yesterday the discovery of a new planet outside the solar system. The Kepler 91-B is part of the set of exoplanets or extrasolar planets. They are like the known solar system but they revolve around another star not the Sun Researchers have studied the system formed by the red giant Koi-2133 and his planet, whose orbit is very close to the giant star, that due to expansion in its outer layers end the planet discovered. Something that astrophysicists estimate that also happen to many planets in the solar system about 4,000 million years. In the case of Kepler 91-B, it will happen in less than 55 million years, a time period very reduced to astronomical scales.
“The planet deforms the geometry of the star, an effect that used to confirm the existence “Jorge said yesterday Lillo-Box, graduated in Astrophysics from the University of La Laguna (Tenerife), after passing through the Aneja school where attended elementary, high school and Miguel Hernández Complutense de Madrid, done made the first cycle Physical.
Lillo-Box has made the PhD in Astrobiology Centre (INTA-CSIC) in Madrid, directed by David Barrado researcher at the Center for Astrobiology in Madrid. He began his thesis in September 2010 and deals mainly on the characterization of extrasolar planets.
For four years, the Kepler space telescope has obtained data from a multitude of candidate stars host planets. The researchers used a technique that throughout history have identified fifteen other planets, since a certain very specific conditions that rarely occur are needed to apply. These planets orbiting stars in a quiet phase of its life, with similar sizes of the Sun and its planets are assured a long life.
As researchers, 8% of the sky of the planet is occupied by the vision red from its star. It is 3,000 light years from Earth.

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