Sunday, December 29, 2013

IPhone users spend more - Expansió

iPhone users and Apple iPad remains the most money spent on digital content, although the distance with those who prefer Android has been reduced this year.


consultancy IDC, leader in the technology sector, estimates that Apple has a market share of 13% in the global smartphone business, 1% lower than a year ago. Google’s leadership is overwhelming, controlling 81% of the market, compared to 75% last year.

However, the amount that users of both platform are spent to download and buy virtual goods in apps does not correspond at all with these percentages. According to a study by the consulting firm Distimo, the App Store captured 63% of spending in November, well above the 37% of Google Play.

The threat Now, Google’s share has risen over 30% it held in June, reducing the gap with Apple. Many Android devices sold in China, where Google Play is not widespread and app stores third parties are more popular, which explains in part the disparity.

“The Apple App Store is still ahead in terms of total revenues,” says analyst Distimo Christel Schoger. “However, during 2013, the portion of the Google pie has been growing steady month to month,” confirms this expert.

Daily expenditures combined in the 200 applications that generate more revenue in Apple’s App Store has grown from 15 to 18 million in the last year, according to calculations by Distimo, while in the case of Google, this figure has quadrupled in the same period, from 3.5 to 12 million. If an application store is profitable, helps attract developers who create software and services that can make mobile shoppers remain loyal to a specific platform.

According to analysts, this year Google has surpassed Apple for volume of downloaded apps, but Android is taking longer to reach the iPhone in regards to the amount spent on these apps.

Distimo report also shows the rapid growth (especially in Asia) freemium business model, in which the discharge and its basic use is free. The proportion of income in this way (purchases within apps free download) on the Apple App Store was 53% two years ago. In January, that figure had risen to 77% and in November, reached 92%. Similarly, the freemium model on Google Play represents 98% of spending on apps for Android.

Finally, the ten apps that generate more revenue in both the Apple App Store and Google Play, are games. Supercell, developer Clash of Clans, and King, the creator of CandyCrush Saga were the companies that won the most money on the App Store.

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