Sunday, June 21, 2015

Broken neck syndrome because of “smartphones” – Daily Chronicle (Ecuador)

A journalist has firsthand how poor posture when using the mobile phone has caused an occipital neuralgia

are around every corner. Everywhere you and for having. On public transport. At the cinema. Wherever the eyes quite hit. Mobile phones have become one of the largest business history and its popularization, especially, has radically changed the society in which we live.

Despite its booms and endless possibilities as palmtops , called “smartphones” have also generated a series of physical and mental problems. Being a relatively new technology, users are sometimes absorbed by touch screens and its extensive catalog of aplicacacines provoke so much an addiction as lagunos diagnostiacada in multiple cases and treated patients.
All kinds of ailments

At the physical level, also cases of severe problems occur. Besides the so-called “phone side” feel numb arms models because of prolonged use of new technologies, monitor screens and mobile devices can force eyestrain people. And the thing is not there, because other more serious side effect is called “stooped posture.”

This condition is widespread among some people. In 2013 a study by research firm Simplyhealth related to health in England warned that 80% of citizens have experienced in some time back rpoblemas. A more recent report, dated September 2014, confirmed that many problems back neck are caused by poor posture when querying the device. As revealed the magazine “Surgical Technology International” gesture tilt your head 60 degrees can make to back the equivalent load on the shoulders 27 kilos effort.

Now, a specialist in new technology journalist has perosna first reported problems sometimes by excessive consultation “smartphones”. As he told the author in the blog “Gizmodo” Adam Clark, for months he began to suffer pains very recurrent headaches. “As if someone had hit me in the head with a steel rod,” he writes.

After seeing a specialist physician in neurology, and the fear of having a close relative-a brain tumor was diagnosed This bad the previous year, the medical report, prepared by Dr. Myrna Cardiel, found that it was an occipital neuralgia, a problem that compresses the nerves of the cervical, and has been caused by poor posture when using mobile phones. “I have seen cases of this disease have skyrocketed since phones have become popular, ‘explained especilalista

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