Friday, July 31, 2015

How to send messages with your phone when there is no internet coverage – The Review

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         If you’ve lost and you do not get to send a WhatsApp to your friends and you also manage to call them, you have the option to communicate “off-net”. We explain four ways to do so.



PUBLISHED: July 30, 2015 4:46 pm EST July 30, 2015 4:46 pm EST increase font size decrease font size ->


You came in groups to the concert but suddenly you find yourself alone in a crowd.

And you are such a fan of the band wanted to be as close to the stage. But when you look back, do not find a single familiar face.

So you try to WhatsApp. “Where are they?”, Type in the free messaging application, but do not manage to send the text.

And when you try to call, either you get tone. The networks are overloaded.

What, then, to communicate with your friends?

Do not despair, these four options you will draw trouble .

You can try to send a message conventional text SMS.

And, even without internet connection, can we do have network GMS , global system for mobile communications (English Global System for Mobile communications).

The SMS do not usually have a high price and although not the best choice for a long conversation, are useful for contact with someone of urgency.

The best known are the application of Android and Hangouts messages, but there are many other options on Google Play, as Textra.

In this line, the company Navenetworks EnviaSMS developed the service.

With this the recipient will receive the message being disconnected from the Internet. The only requirement is that both sender and receiver have the application installed on your smartphone and EnviaSMS the issuer itself that is connected to the internet via wifi or data.

It was already used during protests in Iran and in Taiwan, but this application of the US company Open Garden became known in the pro-democracy demonstrations last year in Hong Kong .

In September, in just 24 hours 100,000 people the app is downloaded in the special administrative region of China.

And that is found in it a way to communicate when Instagram had been blocked in China and many more messages than usual were censored at the Chinese site microblogging Sina Weibo, similar to Twitter.

Firechat allowed them to communicate with each other even without access to phone or internet coverage.

The application powered by other mobile yes they are connected to the wireless network and act as an access point to the terminal that is not .

After installing in them the application, these are interconnected through WiFi antenna lead built in, which allows messages ever-expanding chain, jumping from one user to another nearby.

This application uses the same technology as Firechat, and hence comes the name . mesh networking or wireless mesh network

And like Firechat serves not only to communicate through demonstrations or when there is censorship in social networks

it is also useful in festivals or other events where typical networks are overloaded, as well as in the mountains or other places with little or no coverage.

You MeshMe offers communicate with other users when your smartphone is in airplane mode, provided you keep the WIFI and Bluetooth Connected .

Each cell that has the application installed will function as a router , and pass the information to another device using the most efficient way at the time.

But the owners of the phones are being used as a node can not read the text unless it is addressed to them.

According to company, an iPhone 6 MeshMe should be able to transfer data at a distance between 20 and 30 meters using wireless sign, and 10 and 15 meters using Bluetooth.

This option is not an application that you can download on your phone, but mobile accessory that serves as anten .

It is a product of a start-up New York of the same name, a pocket-sized bar with a strap to attach it to a backpack or belt hanging.

Since the Apps above, goTenna allows communication point by point, but as long as users of the devices to have the accessory.

What it does is create a network of low-frequency radio for IOS and Android .

No can expect a communication with an extraordinary band width, but the CEO of the company, Daniela Perdomo, said that open horizons can send up to 80 meters distance .

All communications are encrypted has a constant forwarding system , to make sure the message has reached its recipient.

Whether you opt for this fixture as any of the above apps, it will be a more effective way to meet your friends to wait at the door of the concert until the place is empty.



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