Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Separating the baby from the mother causes intestinal disorders – RPP News

The separation of the mother in childhood causes alterations in the microbiota (microorganisms) intestinal baby that can cause the development of behavioral disorders that persist into adulthood, according to a study in rodents McMaster University in Canada and published in the journal ‘Nature Communications’.

The traumatic events during childhood are associated with an increased risk of developing psychiatric, metabolic and intestinal diseases in the age adult , but the mechanisms by which this phenomenon occurs in diseases as diverse are unknown, according to the Spanish Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC).

Yolanda Sanz, the Institute of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Technology CSIC explained that prolonged stress caused by separation from the mother rodent newborns causes a dysfunction in the adrenal-pituitary-hypothalamic, one of the main systems of neuroendocrine control of the body.

“This, in turn, causes changes in various physiological functions affecting, among others, the central nervous system and emotions,” he said.

According to science, this study has shown that separation from the mother in childhood causes changes in the composition and functions of the intestinal microbiota related to the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

These changes, in turn, are responsible for the development of behavioral disorders such as anxiety, which could increase the risk of developing psychiatric disorders such as depression in adulthood.

In this study germ-free mice and conventional mice they were used to establish a relationship causal between stress, behavioral disorders and intestinal microbiota.

So, it was found that while some of the neuroendocrine changes caused by chronic stress are independent of the presence of microbiota, this is essential for the development of abnormal behavior, acting as causal factor of anxiety.

The results of the work could be applied in the future to improve mental health and reduce the risk of developing psychiatric disorders by modulation of intestinal microbiota through diet, for example through the administration of beneficial bacteria known as probiotics, according to the CSIC.



Australian scientists have discovered a new drug that serve to treat a kind of very aggressive #leucemia that occurs in children.

Posted by RPP News on Friday, July 10, 2015


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