Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ten questions to understand the theory of relativity Einstein – ElEspectador.com

1. What exactly commemorate this November 25, 2015?

exactly 100 years to the day that are met Albert Einstein explained in a lecture at the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin, the final equations of his general theory of relativity. After nearly a decade of tortuous attempts to reconcile the gravitational force with his special theory of relativity (1905), and the mathematician David Hilbert at his heels, finally gave precise and definitive form which is considered one of the intellectual heights of the humanity. His presentation was published the same day, November 25, 1915, in the proceedings (Proceedings or Sitzungsberichte) Academy.

2. ¿Einstein on that date the equation known today?

It’s actually a system of ten equations, but can be written in a unified way, using the “=” once and summarize them into one: Rμν gμν R = -1/2 8πG Tμν. In the original form in which Einstein wrote in his article, the notation (eg Latin indices used instead of Greek) and distribution of the terms was slightly different, but still, is fully equivalent to this.

3. And what does Rμν gμν R = -1/2 8πG Tμν in a language we can all understand

In common parlance, the new Einstein equation relates two aspects: curvature of space Time ↔ mass (energy). To put it in context, formerly the theory of gravity Newton, the greatest success of the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century, brought two laws that we can visualize this:

Mass → Gravity; and

gravity → Movement of massive bodies,

where “→” We can read it as “created”.

That is an example-for mass The Earth creates a gravitational field, which in turn exerts a force that controls the movement of other masses, like an apple or the Moon. With the contribution of Einstein, Newton’s theory was now superseded by another that included as a valid approach to only relatively small masses and speeds. But Einstein’s theory was much more than a refinement of Newton: completely changed the concept of what is and how gravity acts

4.. What are the differences between classical worldview of Newton and Einstein relativity?

There are two essential. The curvature of space-time: on the one hand, Einstein in formulating the concept of gravity, which has been replaced by something more mysterious and suggestive disappears. And, secondly, unified in a single equation the two basic laws of Newtonian theory. That is, both “→” are coupled into a single “↔”. Without doubt, the elimination of gravity as a ‘real’ force and its interpretation as a ‘apparent effect’ of the curvature of space-time is the most revolutionary element of the theory. Thus, Einstein explained with astonishing simplicity Galileo’s observation that, in the absence of friction, all bodies fall at the same rate: objects move in the same space-time, to be curved, the impression movement under a force acting on them.

5. Can we visualize the concept of the curvature of space-time?

It is customary to depict its effects as the movement of marbles on a trampoline deformed by the weight of greater mass. Although illustrative analogy fails to convey the essential fact that the spacetime curvature hardly affects the spatial directions of the trampoline, but occurs mainly in the direction of time. The theory is too rich and subtle to be left completely captured by analogies and simplified images.

6. So there is no way to represent a single image the theory of relativity?

Should we use different images to illustrate different aspects of the theory, but there is one that captures him all correctly. The trampoline is good but has serious limitations. For example, there used to illustrate fairly well or what a black hole, and leads to confusion: How could we say that the curvature is so small that it’s usually noticed and yet is large enough that a shell, or the moon, follow a curved path rather than a straight? We should dwell much to explain that we move more in time than in space, and what that entails.

7. What general relativity associated with black holes?

It all starts in the same year 1915. In a letter dated December 22, all the way from the front of Russian war! The German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild communicated -imaginamos- Einstein stunned that he had found an extremely simple solution to his equations. Specifically, in the case of the curvature (or severity) that create massive bodies like the sun, the earth, the stars and objects that either live to recognize: black holes. They are unfathomable and absolute, more fantastic than the craziest creation of the human imagination wells.

8. ¿Einstein believed in black holes?

The prediction of the existence of black holes involving radical theory was even more than the expansion of the universe that even Einstein was able to understand it. It was one of his biggest mistakes. Only after he agreed, after a long and arduous process completed in the 60, giving a magnificent example of the best theories of physics are often ‘smarter’ than their creators. We now know that black holes are real. Interstellar recently in the movie we saw one of the best representations of what Einstein’s equations may contain.

9. Why do black holes also ‘face’ to relativity and quantum physics?

Imagine that you drop your phone or tablet to a black hole. Is there any possibility, however remote, that we will get the information they had on them? Einstein’s theory tells us not: when something has crossed the horizon of the black hole, it is no longer possible to receive any signal from him. However, quantum mechanics tells us that the information can never be lost: it can confuse a lot (as if we burn the tablet), but in principle always be possible to remove it again. This contradiction between the two theories is known as the paradox of loss of information in black holes. We hope that efforts in trying to resolve this issue help us understand how to unify both theories.

10. Do you have any practical application of general relativity?

If someone is not yet sufficiently impressed by the new worldview that Einstein’s theory provides and calls for practical use, just that be guided by a GPS navigator. If this does not take into account the effect, tiny but measurable, that the curvature of spacetime has on the signal that the unit receives satellites, our cars would end in a few minutes on the wrong road. So the next time your browser will say “has reached its destination” and not in the bottom of a ravine or flush against a wall, think for a moment that the curvature of space-time must have something certain. Thank Einstein’s years of hard work dedicated to understand, and celebrate its completion on such a grand theory.


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