Monday, March 21, 2016

NASA will send a new message to the space about life on Earth – Impulso Baires

 Capital Federal – After nearly 40 years, NASA will send a message to all Earthlings into space, but this time will be digital, global and participatory, because 4 decades later the world is not the same.

In 1977, NASA sent the two space probes Voyager two separate discs with images and sounds of our planet, project that was involved a small group of experts, including famous American astrophysicist and science popularizer Carl Sagan (1934-1996) and Jon Lomberg, an artist and popularizer who is now determined to repeat, but big.
 His project is called “One Earth Message” (A message from Earth) and aims to create a new interstellar digital message representing the Earth produced by its inhabitants, which “will board” of the spacecraft New Horizons NASA found beyond Pluto, told Efe Lomberg.
 The aim of Lomberg is that in three years people around the world can start sending their -images ideas, sounds or any other material, and in 2019 the great mosaic is shipped.
 The final communication will be the result of an election by popular vote and will occupy 150 megabytes (in 2019 the New Horizons have space to load new data because they have been emptied of many) details this discloser, who gave two lectures this week in Madrid.

 “This is a unique opportunity for people in the world can collaborate in the development of an interstellar message,” says Lomberg, adding that this project has two audiences.
 One, extraterrestrials, it is not known if they are, they are and will discover, and other people on Earth, that itself will have access to all information collected in a web and the final message.
 And, says Lomberg, one of the main objectives of this project is to contact thousands of people around the world (including isolated tribes, which are facilitate the transmission of your message): “The Earth has many problems and any initiative to gather people is very important. “
 When in the seventies NASA images and sounds Voyager space probes sent, not sent anything negative.
 This, according to Lomberg, has to be different this time: you can not talk about the world without talking about their problems and talking about them, perhaps, we find some solutions; “It is a great challenge.”
 Lomberg is a painter and recalls that when an artist paints a self-portrait “learn a lot”. This is what will happen with this project, which will be done to Earth a self-portrait.

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