Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What are they and how do the two comets passing close to Earth – The Review

A unique event occurs this week: not one but two comets pass near our planet. One pass “near” an excellent opportunity to study these objects in our solar system

The Earth is being visited not by one but for two comets.

A unique event because it all off, one of them is “near” our planet.

it was 246 years that a comet not passing so close .

this is the P / 2016 BA14 Pan Starrs and 252P / Linear, which this week began their tour of the southern hemisphere and disappear from the north within two weeks.

These comets are not visible to the naked eye. It requires a telescope of at least 150 mm opening. Photo: Thinkstock

However, in these days-and as you read these lines that are closer

While both comets spend a relatively close distance. -the Linear to 5.2 million kilometers and the Pan Starrs 3.5 million- appreciate anyone who wants them require a professional telescope, because it is relatively small objects.

According to the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, Europe’s most important observatory, the telescope has to be at least 15 to 20 centimeters opening .

the route is from south to north, who are in the southern hemisphere should point their artifacts to the north and those who are on the northern side to the southern.



Perhaps most interesting of these comets is they are twins

according to experts at the University of Maryland, USA, the two have almost identical orbits and similar period. with 5.25 and 5.32 years, respectively .

“the two may be related because their orbits are strikingly similar,” the head of the study center of objects near the Earth from Nasa Paul Chodas said in a statement.

We know that comets are relatively fragile objects. Maybe during a previous passage through the solar system, or during a flyby by Jupiter, the piece is now known as Pan Starrs could have it detached from Linear “he said.

The expert said that the passing of these comet is not a danger to the planet.

Now or 100 years

Comets have an orbit around the Sun. Photo: Thinkstock

Rather, “it is an excellent opportunity for scientific progress in the study of comets. “

to do this, Hubble space telescope is closely watching this couple .

comets are objects composed of rock, ice and dust, the core varies between 10km and 40km in diameter.

the observatory Canary reported that from the astronomical point of view, the study of comets is very interesting because “they are fossils the formation of our solar system, and contain information on the genesis of planetary systems. “

experts have this window of two weeks to gather as much information as possible, therefore estimate that a comet not it will happen so close to within 150 years .

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