Friday, June 17, 2016

Microsoft develops ‘software’ for legal marijuana industry – Expansion MX

The marijuana business has evolved greatly since the time of the bags for sale in suspicious trucks


As is increasingly the states of the American Union to legalize marijuana for medical and recreational purposes, the industry is legitimizing. That means that state and local governments are regulating and monitoring.

Microsoft is one of the leading technology companies that have been involved with the industry cannabis , which has given credibility to what will surely be a thriving business in the years ahead

Lee. Entrepreneurs US committed to the business of marijuana

the company collaborates with Kind Financial in the development of software for governments to monitor the business of legal marijuana and ensure that everyone complies with the regulations.

“Microsoft is helping us to support governments with the expansion of legislation on the cannabis , “said David Dinenberg, executive director of Kind. “They have experience providing platforms for government regulations. This is something that Microsoft every day with other businesses of other categories”.

For this service will make use of Azure, the government platform Microsoft in the cloud, same that was designed to meet the standards of the Act Portability and Accountability Insurance (HIPAA, for its acronym in English) as required by government agencies like the Food and Drug Administration US (FDA . its acronym in English)

Read: Eight things you should know about the business of legal marijuana in the US

Microsoft’s participation is strictly limited to the part of governance and compliance, but participation goes beyond Kind.

They need to develop software Integral to monitor from cultivation and harvesting marijuana plants until its sale in stores. There are tools to manage recipes for cookies and other edible marijuana, and their nutritional value. They created a store where customers can choose their products and pay (usually cash).

One of the great opportunities for legal marijuana business is in regulation.

Although now there are 25 states in which some kind of legal sale is allowed cannabis , only nine have been implemented systems monitoring and tracking. Many want to partner with companies to find solutions to manage this controlled substance. The right system could help them know how much is sold and to whom, the amount of taxes collected and if all growers and sellers are complying with the law.

Lee : the artificial intelligence Microsoft is now talking about marijuana

“no one can predict the future regarding the legalization of marijuana the only thing that bothers me say is that as you go accepting more. , is going to become a highly regulated industry. Moreover, the highly regulated backbone of any industry is compliance, “Dinenberg said.

Companies like Kind and its competitors, Metric and NJ Freeway, seeking contracts potentially profit. Partnerships with popular companies like Microsoft can help in the long run.

“We support customers and partners in the government and help to fulfill their mission. Kind Financial creates cloud solutions our government to help these agencies regulate and monitor controlled substances and articles, as well as to manage compliance with laws and jurisdictional regulations, “Microsoft said in a statement.


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