Monday, July 18, 2016

Cheats Pokémon GO: how to find the Pokémon you are missing – Radio Santiago

 Pok & # XE9; mon GO map

Pokémon GO remains the game of the moment, the rush to find the Pokémon missing us and especially for hunting them is growing and affects more coaches worldwide. And to find as many Pokémon as possible there are tools which sections you today, and we will reveal where the Pokémon we lack, or more of the missing Pokémon us GO is. We must use all the resources at our disposal to get hold of all, let’s see how.

As we know, the aim of Pokémon is to get all and so we must patearnos many places, both in the original games moving from one village to another and visiting all kinds of gyms, as in this Pokémon GO, will force us to physically move to where certain Pokémon are.

How to find the Pokémon you lack in Pokémon GO?

the arrival of Pokémon GO has revolutionized the way to find the Pokémon missing us and catch . Because in this new title for mobile search is done anywhere in the world, and we patearnos and comb thousands of meters around us to find the desired Pokémon. But to help in this titanic company have a web page that shows those places where they have been spotted certain Pokémon. If we are looking for a particular Pokémon we can find your location with Pokecrew

 map pokecrew to find the Pokemon

on this site we can write the name of the Pokémon we are looking for or see at a glance all that are available in a given area thanks to the map, which works just like we use Google Maps, only appear positioned all Pokémon spotted so far. Logically we can also contribute to other coaches find the Pokémon they need to complete your collection, for it only have to check in Pokecrew and register a new sighting, specifying the type of Pokémon that we found and where it has been sighted.

 Pokemon GO pokecrew

that way if a lot of players Pokémon gO is introducing these data, we will have more chances of finding the missing Pokémon us. To start looking Pokémon and record your sighting we can enter the site of Pokecrew from here. What are you waiting for? it’s time to go find Pokémon and head to that place where Pokecrew has ratted us is that desired creature.


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