Monday, July 25, 2016

Sex with our unknown ancestor – The

In recent years, the history of our species has become an interesting film sex and miscegenation. First we learned that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals were not the two species isolated than previously thought, as they repeatedly went to bed and had fertile children about 55,000 years ago. So if you read these lines and you are not African Americans it carries within few drops of Neanderthal DNA. After the genetic analysis of fossil remains found in Siberia and the current human ancestors also revealed that neuestros slept with Denisovans, of whom until recently not even know existed, about 50,000 years ago. Your DNA is still present in Australian and South Asian residents. And now, a team of Spanish and Indian scientists published evidence that there was a third fluid exchange genes with other ancestor whose traces can still be found in the genome of the inhabitants of the Andaman Islands in India.

the researchers analyzed the genome of 70 Indians, 10 of them Andaman archipelago, to try to figure out what is the origin of its people. With dark complexion, frizzy hair and stature of pygmies, these humans are very different from the Indians of the continent. An old theory of the nineteenth century said that these “darkies” descended from a different human group that left Africa about 60,000 years ago to populate the rest of the planet and we descend all Homo sapiens.

the study, published today in Nature Genetics, has shown that this theory has no basis and that the people of Andamans are genetically very similar to any other human in the world. His stature may be because they were in strong natural selection and, living on an island, they are enanizaron as demonstrated happened to other mammals and possibly also with the famous hobbit of Flores, according to the authors. The color of the skin of these people, so dark, possibly has not been changed in all this time and is probably the one that had all our ancestors before leaving the African continent, they say.

The most surprising work is that the genome of this population contains fragments that do not correspond with any actual human. Researchers believe that it is remains the genome of an extinct ancestor with the sapiens interbred and had fertile children, although the identity of the hominid is ignored.

“Overall, the genome fragment that ancestor supposed 15 megabase, ie 1.5% of a person Andaman “explains Jaume matter Bertranpetit, researcher at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), who led the study. It would be a relative of Neanderthals and Denisovans hominid, with whom he shared a common ancestor, but distinct from them.

For now there is no way of knowing who was the third bedfellow, although it could be Homo erectus, the ancestor that walked upright like us and some two million years, adventure Bertranpetit. Is the first time proposed that there was sex and children between Homo sapiens and a third ancestor, explains geneticist, who acknowledges that his study is “controversial”.

Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist History Museum Natural London, provides an independent opinion on the study. “Although there are several candidate species [to be the star of this third crossing] as Homo heidelbergensis and Homo antecessor [of Atapuerca], speculation will focus on Homo erectus and flosesiensis Homo, both known through fossils found in Southeast Asian “believes. “Since this study also supports that there was only one event out of Africa about 60,000 years ago, the existence of this cross reinforces the possibility that Homo erectus survived until about 60,000 years ago in this region, which has not yet been confirm fossils “, highlights. Finally, notes that “as already underlined positive and negative effects of Neanderthal DNA in modern humans, we must now investigate the effect of Denisovan DNA and other mysterious source of this newly identified”.


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