Monday, June 3, 2013

Asus invented tritableta - The Paí (Spain)

There is something more powerful than the difference of civilizations: the global marketing. On Tuesday opens in Taipei Computex electronics show, but in the Asian Taiwan, as happened before with the mobile exhibition in Barcelona in Europe, and before the American CES Las Vegas, or the companies themselves exhibiting respect the opening of the show if this get a headline. This is what Asus has done also is of the earth. Hours before the opening, its chairman Jonney Shih announced as “the revolution”, “unbelievable” even the “transformation of ourselves.” Let’s go there.

In a presentation dir=”ltr”>

the price, no news by Shih with its slogan “looking for the amazing” presented a 7-inch tablet display with only 302 grams and 10.8 millimeters thick. Memo Pad 7 is called, includes 5 meg camera and one front of 1.2. Bring arm processor and the screen is up to ten fingers multitouch, but the best thing is its price: $ 129 for 8 gigs and the 149′s of 16. Worse, it will cost the same in euros and that of 8 gigs not come to Spain.

Still, the new Asus mobile devices prove an agility to adapt to changes that not all technology companies have. If rose to fame by the Taiwanese firm netbooks, mini laptops of 299 euros, in 2007, once dead because of the Apple iPad, has resurfaced with original products, good design and pulling prices. A change effects, your Memo Pad costs less than 100 euros, making competition and private label tablets.

But Shih did not stop there. Of apparatus for step street household appliances with routers and remote controls, but the grand finale of the show was the BookTrío a three in one, as defined by the president of the company. Is a laptop computer, but also a tablet and pECE desktop simultaneously. Goes with Android OS and Windows 8, as occasion demands. It carries an Intel Core 7 as well as other basic Intel. It may purchase both Google Play programs, as in the Windows Store. It’s tritableta with 11.6-inch screen and 750 gigabyte hard drive that works with or without physical keyboard and runs out of battery when inserted into the keyboard enough to retrieve life. It is even harder to figure out, like its price, and the best proof that Shih Motto: “we become ourselves.”

Asus, one day before the opening of Computex has achieved its owners. Hours later will claim their other local acer, and other Asians: LG, HTC, Lenovo and Samsung, but the first owner takes him Jonney Shih and tritableta.

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