Thursday, September 25, 2014

Data Protection warns privacy wearables – La Vanguardia

The European authorities Privacy Policy have approved the first set opinion on the internet of things, and warning of the dangers involving the use of devices such as wearables about Privacy refers.

“Many questions arise about the vulnerability of these devices. The data loss and malware infection, but also the unauthorized access to personal data, the use of intrusive wearables or illegal surveillance are some of the risks stakeholders in the internet of things need to be addressed to attract potential users to their products, “says the document, prepared by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) by the French Authority (CNIL).

The opinion defines a framework of responsibilities and makes recommendations to the risks emerging products and services that may pose to the privacy of individuals. Thus, the paper highlights the objects equipped with sensors and internet collected pieces of information that could be analyzed by third parties and reveal patterns of life of people

Authorities raise three scenarios. Technology to wear ( wearable computing ), mobile devices that record information related to the physical activity of people and home automation (offices and homes with detectors, thermostats and sensors connected.)

“What I see in space technology wearable is that we will begin to discover a wealth of information about ourselves,” explained the director of strategic consulting Brans Finance, Edgar Baum in a magazine interview Wearable Tech. “We have some devices that track our behavior, as do many steps, the amount of calories we burn, etc.” Baum pointed reference to the advantages of this type of equipment.

However, Data Protection warns that despite brilliant accessories that give information related to the physical activity of people do not collect data specifically protected podómetro–like a can inferred finish providing information about the health of the individual.

“The development of such opinions has great relevance not only for end users of these tools, but also for developers of them,” says partner at the protection ePrivacidad Samuel Parra privacy. “For example, one of the recommendations that has insisted Europe and that is reflected in this opinion is called & lt; & lt; privacy by design & gt; & gt;” Parra explained: “Privacy settings to bring the appliance question should come home already activated, so that it is the user who decides to leave your privacy by changing these options. But not the other way as usual: we find tools that bring activated by default unless the options protect user privacy “



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