Friday, September 19, 2014

Larry Page prepares a Google 2.0 – Kioskea

Larry Page, Google co-founder, has created a working group for the development of new projects such as a new type of airport.

Google is already working in many businesses, such as internet searches, mobile phones or cars without drivers, but its leaders does not seem enough . Therefore, Larry Page, one of the founders of the company, has created a working group focused on reinventing the company and develop new and ambitious plans for the future, according to an exclusive according to The Information, ADSL Zone highlights.

This project, known as Google 2.0, began just over a year when Page together a group of managers and employees of the company. The purpose of this meeting was to share innovative ideas and seek new sectors that could enter the Mountain View. Projects studying this working group is efficient city and a new type of airport that would optimize the waiting time of the passengers.

At the meetings of this group have been discussed with more realistic ideas, like creating A biometric identification system to end traditional passwords. It is also working on a tracking system improved, for example, allows marketers to customize the offers made to customers.

To manage these ambitious projects, Page would have proposed the creation of a new laboratory for research and development Google known as Y.

Photo: © Creative Commons – Flickr:. Herkko Hietanen


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