Friday, September 26, 2014

Millions of servers and devices, endangered by the … –


Linux penguin. (FILE)

Millions of servers and devices with an Internet connection could be at risk from the vulnerability of Shellshock, A newly discovered security hole that allows exploiting access command to Linux systems and extensive implementation which seems to indicate a rapid increase in attacks.

A newly discovered security hole that allows exploiting access command to Linux systems

Apparently, the widespread nature of Shellshock, aka “Virus Bash” could eclipse even Heartbleed, another fault detected a few months ago and was then considered one of the greatest security threats so far, according to experts consulted by Efefuturo.

Basically vulnerability Shellshock allows the cybercriminal carry out attacks with remote codes and take control of your computer of the victim in any server.

The attacker can do whatever you want on the server vulnerable: from unusable, as is already happening, according to experts, to use it to attack another, or completely make it serve any

The security expert David Jacoby, Kaspersky Lab. , has recommended that as the scope and magnitude of the problem “remain unclear” affected users come to any of the patches that are to at least partially eliminate the vulnerability is known.

Apparently Shellshock could have so far affected about 500 million web servers and other devices connected to the Internet, including mobile phones, routers or medical devices, according to Trend Micro adds in a statement.

this researcher David Sancho security company has said that failure would affect Apple and PC platforms with Linux, an operating system that would be linked to be free to many small servers, for example, stores and shops.

According to his data, which represents the potential pest exploit this vulnerability allows access to command-based Linux systems, up about 51% of web servers around the world.


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