Sunday, February 28, 2016

NASA showed in detail the north pole of Mars – The

The Space Agency (NASA) has spread an image that you can see the canyons of the north pole of Pluto, the dwarf planet has been photographed by the spacecraft New Horizons.

photography reveals in detail long ice cannons crossing vertically Lowell Regio, an area named after the American estrónomo Percival Lowell who contributed to the discovery of Pluto.

Pictured is indicated by yellow barrel more large, measuring 74 kilometers wide and has a shallow valley shown in blue. Green, other parallel canyons, which are 10 kilometers wide is.

Because of their status, scientists believe it has much older than the guns of other parts of the dwarf planet, with sharper contours.

in pink can be seen another irregular cannon on its extension. To the right of the image, in red, holes that reach 70 kilometers in diameter and 4 deep shown.

According to experts, these pits could be places of melting deposited beneath ice that brought down the floor.

the image was obtained by the multispectral camera Ralph Ne w Horizons. It has an image resolution of about 680 meters per each pixel. The lower edge of the image represents approximately 1,200 kilometers, detailing the NASA on its official website.

The photograph was obtained at about 33,900 kilometers from Pluto, 45 minutes before the maximum approach between the planet and the New Horizons probe on July 14, 2015.


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