Friday, January 3, 2014

Facebook sued for intercepting private messages -

Facebook is facing a class action for alleged violation of the right of members privacy . The social network has been for two of its members, who claim that the company intercepted private messages, without consent, to collect data subsequently used for profit for their own benefit.

Users, Matthew Campbell and Michael Hurley, filed a lawsuit against Facebook in the Court of Northern District of California. Both men accuse the company of scan private messages with URLs incuidas them “for purposes including but not limited to, data collection and user profiling.” The lawsuit claims that this practice is a violation of the Privacy Act Electronic Communications.

complaint has been answered well by Facebook : “We believe the allegations are without merit and we will defend ourselves vigorously,” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement released by CNET


However, the lawsuit cites a report from security firm Swiss High-Tech Bridge suggesting Facebook scans shared links in private messages. It also refers to those published in the media in relation to third party plug-ins to count on Facebook “Like” shares through private messages news.

Plaintiffs allege in their complaint that “the content of messages Facebook is private creates an opportunity especially profitable for Facebook , and users who believe that they are communicating in a free monitoring service are likely to disclose information about themselves that they would not want to reveal if they had known that the content is being monitored. “

The complaint, which seeks class action consideration, was presented “on behalf of all users” Americans have Facebook private messages sent or received that include a URL in the message. The plaintiffs are seeking an injunction against the social network to stop the practice of scanning URLs in messages. Also, statutory damages claiming s, including $ 100 for each day that Facebook has violated the Privacy Act Electronic Communications and for each member of demand.

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