Friday, January 17, 2014

Google working on a smart contact lenses -


Google X enter a new field of wearable technology. This time it’s a smart contact lenses. The Mountain View company has supported the development of a visionary idea: a smart lenses to help diabetics control blood sugar levels in the blood


laboratory research and development of Google is working on contact lenses that can be measured index of blood glucose through tears. They use a wireless microchip that is inserted between two layers of material making up the lenses.

With this system, Google points to a large segment of the population, diabetics , estimated at around 5% of the world’s inhabitants. Most of them have to prick your finger to control glucose levels in the blood. The lenses of Google could avoid this cumbersome method, and even clinical analysis.

The company has reported that it is also investigating “the possibility that this will serve as an early warning user , so we are exploring the integration of small LED lights that could illuminate to indicate glucose levels that have passed above or below certain thresholds. “

Currently, Google X is talks with U.S. FDA to validate the safety of your idea, as reported by CNET. Therefore, there is still time to make this technology a system that people with diabetes can use daily.

Although revolutionary, the idea of ?? smart lenses is not exactly now. Microsoft and worked on the same project in 2011 . The co-founder of the project, Babak Parviz, now also works in Google Glass, was previously developed the idea of ??these contact lenses at the University of Seattle, in cooperation with Microsoft.

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