Monday, November 10, 2014

“In engineering there are many Spanish Rosetta and high level” –

The Rosetta probe and its lander Philae carry 21 scientific instruments, but none is led by Spaniards. What is that?

Probably influences that Rosetta is a fairly old mission, designed in the 90s and built in the early 2000s in Spain there was no tradition to investigate these as specific topics, although some universities and agencies involved in some instrument (Polytechnic University of Madrid and INTA do the OSIRIS camera) or working hard in planetary missions, in those days we did not have enough knowledge to create a complete instrument.

But the mission itself Spanish engineers and technicians involved right?

In the engineering of many Spanish and Rosetta senior. They work in both research and space technology Noordwijk (Netherlands) and the headquarters of the mission, at ESOC (Germany), equipment control and flight dynamics Rosetta. And also here in Spain, ESAC, where science operations are coordinated, as we are 40% of Spaniards in the project. We also coordinate the engineering of software and are present in the area as well as the management and dissemination of mission files, which are the basis of scientific studies. In addition, several Spanish companies have manufactured satellite subsystems.

What is the planning and operations team you lead is responsible?

” If you were on the surface of the comet and you gave a jump, you’d have enough energy to put into orbit “

Our Group coordinates leading institutional eleven Rosetta orbiter instruments to create a series of commands, execute them on board, and that can take pictures, record the spectra or perform any other scientific operation. It is quite complex because everyone wants to watch once, but can not. First determine the satellite resources at all times and monitor the interference between them. We also design of paths and aim the satellite, for example, direct the camera during the landing of Philae on Comet 67P this November 12th. When on his gas data, temperature, magnetic field, dielectric constants, etc. will be recorded, and communication will go through Rosetta.

Does this ‘acometizaje’ is the engineering challenge harder the mission?

Now is the imminent challenge because the descent is unique. It’s a moment that happens and you’re done. If you go long or Philae crashes during landing, it will be the end for this robot. But challenges are happening. Rosetta has taken several turns around the solar system to reach its goal. To chase has been to take her far away, to the orbit of Jupiter, and despite the enormous size of its solar panels -32 meters, the wingspan of an Airbus 321-, did not provide enough power. So we were forced to hibernate the spacecraft, all systems shut down for nearly three years and re-activate. This ‘awakening’ was really critical, but fortunately went well. Another key moment was the insertion into orbit to reach the same speed of the comet. In addition, the variable nature of comets always forces you to be prepared to quickly change plans.

What will happen when the comet gets closer to the sun?

“This mission is unique, for the first time we have managed to orbit a comet and follow developments closely”

It will be another critical moment. When you are closer to our star-in the comet 67P perihelio- be much more active and gases and particles that can affect satellite detach, so you have to zoom out. We are now orbiting about 10 km from the comet, the 12th day before the descent, we retreated a bit and after a series of maneuvers to bring us back to drop the lander . After Rosetta will be between 20 and 30 km until, about February or March 2015, and closer to Mars, the activity of the comet will not likely be able to maintain the orbit by the thrust of dust and gas sublimated from surface. Note that the tail or mane of a comet can have 100,000 miles and we are as close as 10 km, so in the end we will have to leave.

Why is only this mission?

There are several reasons. In addition to land on a comet, another first was achieved orbit around such objects. Not only come and watch, but do permanently around her. Also unique to follow the evolution of an object of this type for so long and so closely, despite the long distances as to which is now about 400 million miles from Earth. We are watching their surface definitions inches. Nor had achieved so far.

What’s more exciting to work with Rosetta?

The work is intense, but the results are amazing. Especially the images of the comet, which are spectacular as they come. It’s such a different world … For example, on the subject of gravity, which is about 10,000 times less than on Earth. A person who weighs 80 kg here, there would only 8 grams. Comparing a rockfall in the Pyrenees or any other terrestrial mountain, imagine an action very quickly, there a fall of 200 m can take an hour to complete. They are unimaginable things. In fact, if you were on the surface of the comet and you gave a jump, surely you would have enough energy to get into orbit.

Spanish Industry adventure Rosetta

Rosetta components were manufactured and assembled in the years before its release in 2004. It has been more than a decade, a period long in which Spanish companies that worked on this project for the European Space Agency have suffered the vicissitudes of aerospace

Airbus Defence & Dev. Space Spain . The Spanish subsidiary of Europe’s multinational currently encompasses several companies, including two CASA and CRISA, who were responsible for two-part mission:
medium gain antenna (developed by House ). In fact two antennas: AMS-S and AMS-X. Are placed on the same face as the Rosetta large antenna, and would be used if this should fail. There are fears that the material in the comet’s tail could affect communications with high gain antenna and two small are prepared in case this happens.
Electronic Unit star tracker camera Navigation (manufactured by CRISA ). Processes and compresses the images of the device that tracks the stars (white dots which are compared to a database for orientation) and electro-optical navigation sensors that guide the spacecraft on its long journey across the solar system.


Thales Alenia Space Spain absorbed Alcatel Space , which once built these subsystems:
Avionics Interface Unit (AIU) . Connect the TV to the computer system that controls its position.
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) . Communications provide telemetry and telecommand connecting the on-board computer with teams from the plaform and payload.
Electronic Mechanism deployment mechanisms (SADE) . Allows control of the motors to run the orientation of the solar panels.
Waveguide Interface Unit (WIU) and Radio Frequency Distribution Unit (RFDU). Units of connection and distribution RF signal of TTC transponders (Telemetry, Tracking & amp; Command) with antennae, filtering the transmitted and received signal


SENER has made different structures:
Boom experiments . Compounds comprising two deployable spars for carbon fiber tube, and a deployment mechanism, in which are located five scientific instruments. Your task is to remove the instruments of electromagnetic disturbances satellite into orbit.
Blinds or louvres Thermal Control active probe. Are 15 in total and each consisting of 16 leaves which are opened or closed depending on the temperature of the probe panels. This ensures thermal stability without the need for external energy. They are covered with photovoltaic panels.
Screens optical attenuation of solar radiation incident on the two navigation cameras and the two star trackers.
Electronic Control Unit and the mechanism of filter wheels of the two (NAC and WAC) cameras OSIRIS (Optical Spectroscopic and Infrared Remote Imaging System). This is the main optical system Rosetta, which was used to take images of the comet and probe from the beginning of the mission. Developed in collaboration with INTA and the Astrophysics Institute of Andalucía (IAA-CSIC).
Electronic Instrument Control Unit Giada (Grain Impact Analyser and Dust ccumulator ), also in collaboration with the IAA, for the observation of the mechanical properties of the particles found in the comet tail.


Meanwhile, the business group GMV was also key in the initial analysis phase of the mission, and it currently has deployed personnel to ESAC centers in Spain, Germany ESOC and CNES in France for work planning and control tasks Rosetta. And the agency that was responsible for the coordinated procurement of electronic components and some instruments was the company Tecnológic , now part of Technology Spain Alter .

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