Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Apple says: ‘Samsung stops copy me’ – Puebla News

Your Samsung is looking more and more like an iPhone ?, if yes, do not panic is not a figment of your imagination, after years of legal battles, Apple finally got what it wanted: a federal court US appeals ruled that Samsung’s smartphones can not copy certain characteristics of the iPhone.

Samsung must upgrade their phones, self-correcting, remove the slide to unlock, which directly mimics similar features Apple’s iPhone

But the opinion was given long after Samsung had changed the software gradually their smartphones, some examples:. no longer have to slide a button to unlock the phone Galaxy now only have to pass your finger anywhere on the screen, also the keyboard of Samsung also has been updated on numerous occasions since the opinion.

So Samsung said it will continue to sell their smartphones Galaxy.

The court gave Apple a not so glorious, saying it does not make Samsung devices win the market, but Samsung would teach to who removed the features that caused controversial, if there are still those phones that have not been updated.

The first lawsuit by Apple took place February 1, 2012, when the lawsuit was filed, the new Samsung phone on the market It was the Galaxy S II and hey, Samsung launched the Galaxy S6 earlier this year, so Apple did not win at all.

In the first decision, the district court ordered Samsung Apple will pay $ 120 million for violating its patents, less than a tenth of what Apple had originally asked for.

This is just one of many patent cases being fought by these two giants of smartphones, both companies decided last year to suspend litigation for the fight will not continue.


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