Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ten news of iOS in September you can enjoy your iPhone or iPad – Herald Tribune

In the first three days, iOS in September broke the record of adopting new operating system of Apple devices. At this time, since 50% of the equipment the company already have this update, an event that celebrates the company and has informed through a statement in which words of Philip Schiller, vice president of marketing cited the company.




  “(…) iOS 9 is also an incredible start, on track to be downloaded by more users than any other version of software in the history of Apple”

 Philip Schiller



In the statement start selling the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S Plus was also announced. IOS 9 has achieved marathon figure can serve multiple factors (users they wanted to see if the phone responds best with IOS 9 , for example); but it is certain that the new operating system brings news worthy of note. They are about 20, but point out the 10 most interesting.


 1. Siri already does for you


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Siri, assistant Apple is now more proactive. In the IOS 9 us displays information according to our needs even without the solicitemos.Propiedad who-must to recognize this is Google Now.


 An example of the change in Siri is that when we call a number that does not know and points out some possible alternatives that obtained mails and notes of our dispotivo.


 2. “Back to …”


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 When an application sent to another will now appear at the top of the screen a button “back to” giving the possibility to return to the application in which you found yourself. Not really necessary for at all times be pressing the start button .


 3. “Paste and go” and “Paste and search”


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 iOS 9 allows pasting text into the where you enter the URL and see these new options.


 4. Multi Window for iPad


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The new system allows the iPad and enjoy the multi-window in much the same way which have been developing devices Samsung Note . There are still some limitations: only the iPad Air 2 can use the Split View, a real multi-window multitasking.


 To this add that IOS 9, and allows the Picture in Picture mode. Ie be able to watch a video while using another application or be in the home screen.


 5. Takes up less space


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 The ios 8 occupied 4.58 GB, but the iOS 9 occupies only 1.3 GB . This detail allow you to have more space for those with 8GB and 16GB devices.


 6. New design of multitasking window


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 No more than just a cosmetic change, but a larger display allows for better multitasking experience.


 7. Access to Spotlight and more links to applications


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 The finder of the operating system can now be opened by sliding the first home screen to the right. The option to open the Home screen by sliding down is still holding.


 Also, iOS 9 offers increased integration with more apps Apple.


 8. Application Group notifications


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 More than one uncomfortable having to see notifications WhatsApp one by one on our desktop window. iOS 9 Now allows grouping and thus only see what has been reported application notifications .


 9. Hide photo


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 Ideal if you want to save some pictures just for you. To do so, just select one or more photos in the gallery and give the hide option in the Share menu.


 10. Improve safety


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 Normally, you colocabas a security PIN containing four digits. This time, iOS 9 allows to use a six-digit PIN. This change enhances security by preventing any attack takes longer.


 Additional: Blocking content

 The Apple AppStore now allow you to download applications to block advertising and improve privacy to avoid being tracked. Some are free, others stop shopping.


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