Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Autumn arrives: Meteorological Phenomena and Winter Time – agendasanluis

It was Wednesday September 23, at 3:21 pm, which began in Mexico Autumn , so today we have the Autumn Equinox , ie the center of the sun as seen from Earth, crosses the line of Ecuador in its apparent movement southward so the day and night have practically the same length .

The Autumn 2015 will last 89 days, with 20 hours , so end next December 22, 2015 , with the onset of winter.

In theory, because climate and nothing is as it was , the temperatures will be cooler and less rain , reaching the leaves in the floor step on some people enjoy both . In Autumn days are “shorter” or shorter duration of sunshine, leaving longer nights .

Winter Schedule 2015-2016

With the arrival of autumn, will be on Sunday October 25 (last month) when finished Daylight Saving give way to winter 2015-2016 , so as usual, at 2:00 pm on Sunday we delay the clocks one hour , or preferably before going to bed on Saturday October 24.

On the morning of Sunday October 25, do not forget to check the time on your clocks , and although some devices are advanced or atarazan alone, sometimes can be disabled . option

Meteorological Phenomena Fall

  • Total Eclipse Moon or Blood Moon : September 27
  • Blue Moon or two full moons within a monthly period: October 27 and November 25
  • Planets: Saturn can be seen with the naked eye at sunset, while Venus, Mars and Jupiter will be visible at dawn
  • Starfall Draconides. October 9

Photo: mcortizv on Panoramio


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