Sunday, September 27, 2015

Red Moon dazzled and fans enjoyed the show at the Planetarium – Clarí

For the guys was like a science fiction movie. For parents, the chance to dress for a night and astronomers explain -of a playful way, sometimes intuitive, how the planets move. Everyone, regardless of age, lived a magical night at the Planetarium. The super red moon eclipse, which happened for the last time in 1982 and will be repeated in 2033- had a hypnotic effect on the 10,000 people who filled Palermo yesterday with a mission to take a souvenir photo of the astronomical phenomenon and, all in their retinas.

Now at 22, a long line stretched along the esplanade of the Planetarium. He was forced to reach 6 telescopes that allowed to see every detail of the show path. For the speakers, the Beatles and Pink Floyd accompanied waiting. “The just picked because they are universal music,” said Mariano Ribas, coordinator of scientific dissemination of the Planetarium.

The sunset clouds threatened to ruin the show vanished and allowed to see the eclipse with the naked eye. About 2230, when darkness had “swallowed” a small portion of the moon, Figueroa Alcorta and Sarmiento were jammed. People taxis down the middle of the avenues to seek fast place. Alejandro (25) and Mariela (22) are engaged and came from Citadel. “We did not want to lose this. The next time that happens, we’ll be married with children “, he joked. They were located near the source. Others, in many cases, families camped completas- with chairs, tripods and semiprofessional cameras.

As the black patch on the moon progressed, increasing the index fingers pointing toward the sky. Augustine 5 years, looked at everything from the shoulders of her father. But his astonishment was another target. “That’s a flying saucer?” He asked the Planetarium silhouette illuminated with blue lights and pulled several laughs to those still waiting their turn to climb the esplanade. Near the 23, when much of the moon looked dyed red, and there was some pushing anxiety.

The phenomenon sparked all kinds of concerns. “The first evidence that the Earth is curved humanity were held eclipses. It is the shadow cast by the Earth on the moon, “he explained one of a family of Planetary astronomers. Many visitors had, some with humor, others with doubts, myths of the Middle Ages linking the “Blood Moon” with omens of disaster.

“It has no effect on plants, or animals in the water, not in people,” says Diego Hernandez microphone in hand, editor of the Planetarium. Which it clearly is Lucia, 11, who just use the telescope. “Loved it, did not give me fear for anything,” he says and goes with the assurance that today was going to tell her story at school. They are 23.15 and super moon is already red. On the other side of the fence, a woman complained: “I thought it was going to look bigger,” says

The phenomenon of yesterday had two peculiarities.. As the moon was closer to Earth than usual he was seen 14% larger (hence the idea of ​​”super”). The reddish color is due to our planet, located between the Sun and the Moon in perfect alignment, filtered sunlight. The Earth’s atmosphere absorbed the blue and red light refracted toward the moon.

The ceremony ended with the traditional whale family selfies with the Moon or background Planetarium. “This goes straight to Facebook,” said Alejandra, a mother of 32 years coming from Chacabuco Park. This postcard was repeated in cities across the country and the world: the phenomenon could be seen in the Americas, Europe and Africa. Thousands of kilometers away, all eyes turned skyward as in primitive times.


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