Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Why is it so important that there is flowing water on Mars – La Nacion (Argentina)

NASA researchers have confirmed in the last traces of water ice on Mars; however, the recent announcement about the possibility of liquid water is called revolutionary

NASA called the finding exciting development.

Following the presentation on Monday of the latest findings of the US space agency, NASA, in relation to the presence of currents Water on Mars were many who made the partnership with the possibility of life on Mars.

For years it has been known that in the past there were large quantities of water on Mars and It is known of the existence of frozen water beneath its surface.

The importance of this latest discovery, tells BBC World Mary Beth Wilhelm, a researcher at Arnes Center of NASA in Moffett Field, California, is that “It is the first time that there is direct evidence of the existence of liquid water on the surface of Mars.”

Wilhelm adds that he does not yet know where the water comes, but indicates that it is likely that It is the atmosphere.

Earlier this year, NASA reported that almost half of the northern hemisphere of Mars was once an ocean, with a greater depth of 1.6km.

Another new aspect of Monday’s announcement that it is possible that the flow of salt water are given today, not something of the past.

Is there life on Mars?

With very few exceptions, water is necessary for life as we know it.

However, the researchers call for caution. The fact that there is water ice, current, or both, do not directly imply that there is life on Mars.

The NASA researchers rated Monday as recent findings.

“It is very difficult to determine the answer to that question,” says Mary Beth Wilhelm.

“The first step to find out whether or there was life on Mars it is to determine what living is the environment, how extreme are the conditions on the planet.

“Running water is an essential ingredient for life, is a requirement for habitability. The presence of liquid water is a step to establish that the surface of Mars is a place that can be inhabited, “says NASA expert.

The dark veins that appear on some slopes of Mars can be hundreds of meters long.
” is not the planet Mars dry and arid we thought in the past, “said Jim Green, director of NASA’s planetary science.

Meanwhile, Joe Michalski, researcher Mars Natural History Museum in the UK, it says the announcement is an exciting development, especially for what it means in terms of the possibility of living microbes on the planet.

“By studying extremophiles in -microorganismos Earth living in conditions extremas- know that some living beings not only survive but thrive in very dry conditions, highly saline or any extreme case compared to what is habitable for a human being.

“In fact, on Earth, wherever we find water, we find life. So the discovery of water on Mars for the past 20 years is so exciting, “he says.

Future studies

Mary Beth Wilhelm, NASA insists that these are first steps that require much more research.

“We have a robot on the planet (Curiosity) and send another in 2020 for signs of life,” he says, in addition to continuing the research that develops from laboratories on land.

“We still have to determine how much water there and its origin is still a mystery. Those will be our next steps, “he adds.

The red planet called awake fascination among researchers and the general public.

There is also talk of the possibility of sending a manned mission to Mars.

“It’s something we’re working on, is one of the objectives. We hope that our current discovery makes it more possible. Finding water on the Martian surface that will make it easier to survive on the planet and will make it cheap. “

Sterilize the probes

An interesting consequence of the recent findings is that space agencies will have to think carefully where they send their future probes and robots.

The internationally accepted standards stipulate that the missions have to be cautious when going places on Mars where it may have liquid water .

“Under certain circumstances, tap water found on Mars,” said Jim Green, NASA.

Peter Grindrod, expert from the space agency in the UK, told the BBC:

“The planetary protection states that we can not go anywhere where there is liquid water because we can not sterilize ships well enough to ensure that these places do not pollute.

“So if is a landmark in the landing of a probe, you simply can not touch down there.”

More on BBC News

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