Saturday, May 21, 2016

Google patented a ‘sticky’ system to minimize injuries windings with autonomous vehicles – Univisión

Adhere to the victim the vehicle instead of letting it roll on the pavement could prevent damage and save lives.

on Tuesday Google obtained patent on a method for reducing pedestrian injuries hit by autonomous vehicles . The goal of the system is to prevent secondary impacts caused by falling to the pavement of victims of accidents and subsequent windings by other vehicles.

The search of this solution reveals the concern Google about coils passers by autonomous vehicles , which is a tacit recognition that technology can not avoid them.

According to Google , the impact with the pedestrian break a neutral protective layer on the front volume of the vehicle, exposing the adhesive powerful and turning the entire area into a sort of human flypaper. However, technology has not yet developed and Google has given no indication of when it might be ready.

Regarding the imminent application of this surprisingly simple idea, a spokeswoman Google told the San Jose Mercury News Google “obtained patents on a variety of ideas. Some of them mature later in real products and services, sometimes not. “

While it is true that Google is not the first entity is to seek the protection of the physical integrity of pedestrians, if it is the first company to be fully exposed to liability for the windings. When replacing the driver by a proprietary technology Google virtually sits behind the wheel of their autonomous vehicles, so it is not difficult to imagine this as a great motivator for seeking such creative solutions as the adhesive front.


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