Tuesday, May 17, 2016

In Australia found evidence of a large asteroid that struck Earth – W Radio

Madrid, May 17 (EFE) .- A large proportions asteroid would hit the Earth in the early days of the planet causing large earthquakes and tsunamis, according to evidence found by a team from the National University of Australia.

the crash, experts have had “more violence than any other phenomenon experienced by humans,” according to a statement.

the evidences are shaped like small glass beads calls spherules, which were found in northwestern Australia and formed of vaporized material from the impact.

“the impact had to have caused earthquakes of a magnitude greater than that of the Earth, caused gigantic tsunamis and caused the collapse of cliffs “so that their material spread throughout the planet, the expert college Andrew Glikson.

in addition, the material generated by the impact had to spread throughout the world, Glikson, who indicated that the spherules found dating back 3,460 million years ago, making the asteroid in the second oldest in hitting the Earth and one of the largest.

said the asteroid could be measured between 20 and 30 kilometers and have created a crater hundreds of kilometers wide, although the exact place hit Earth “remains a mystery” for any crater that time has been destroyed by volcanic activity and tectonic movements, he said.

Glikson has over 20 years looking for evidence of ancient impacts on Earth of meteorites and when he saw the glass beads located in Australia immediately suspected that their origin was in the asteroid impact.

After testing it was discovered that the presence of elements such as platinum, nickel and chromium matched the asteroid.

the expert said that there were many more similar impacts, of those still not have you found evidence, so this is “just the tip of the iceberg.”

“we only found evidence of 17 impacts with more than 2,500 million years, but could have been hundreds,” he said the expert.

the impact of asteroids of this size results in large tectonic movements and large movements of magma, which “could have significantly affected the way evolved on Earth, he considered the expert.” EFE


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