Friday, October 14, 2016

Asgardia, the first nation out of the Land which already has more than 50,000 “inhabitants” –

What a few decades ago seemed impossible, today it is close to being a reality: humans living outside of the planet’s atmosphere. Scientists, space engineers, businessmen, lawyers, and researchers, announced this week the creation of a new nation, with three incredible features. the Asgardia, the name of the country, will be out of the Earth. And will be, second peculiarity, because you do not yet have a territory, and not residents, because it is by now a utopia, that seeks to create a legal framework to inhabit the space.

The third feature, no less important, is that Asgardia has as a premise not to represent any country earthling, but to be funded by organizations that are experts multinationals. that Is to say, it will be a nation free from the control of the laws, restrictions, and parameters of life that we all know today.

that’s why, to Asgardia you can register any inhabitant of the Earth.

so far, there are more than 55,000 people have expressed their desire to live in the new nation. Registered participants only had to enter the page of the project ( to express your bold decision, and would be knowing his new home, in which absolutely everyone will be immigrants, over the next two years, in which the country aims to make its first trips. it All sounds like fiction, but the great objective of Asgardia is to be recognized as a nation more by the international community.

The country interespacial, in principle, be located half way between the Earth and the Moon. The web page in which the aspirants to the "citizenship" of the project can find out more about the initiative, get people praising the humanity and the life on the planet, but also raises the need of evolution and progress, although it does not show how or in what conditions people will live.

"Since the beginning of time mankind has struggled to reach the unknown, to achieve the impossible and do the unthinkable. People have populated the entire planet earth, explored all the nooks and flown in the atmosphere and beyond. the Traveling to other planets will occur in the foreseeable future. It is thanks to the inquisitive nature of the past generations that the humanity has evolved continuously," says the website of Asgardia to their potential new inhabitants.

The ambitious project is headed for the moment by Igor Ashurbeyli, engineer and space scientist, and famous for having created in 2013 the “Aerospace International Research centre (AIRC). To Ashurbeyli, the idea that you have with your team to establish a nation out of the Earth, is sustained in the search of a territory in peace, will have no interests of any state, but rather from the science, innovation and the fulfilment of a dream of almost all humans.

The satellite of the nation, which would then enter into orbit between 2017 and 2018 and it is not yet known from where it will be released, also looking to become a protection for the Earth, because it would be a “protective shield” with which, they say, the Earth would be safe from threats such as space debris, solar flares and the collision of asteroids.

"When you create a new nation in space, the private enterprises, innovation and the development of the technology will flourish, freed from the narrow restrictions of the state control they exist," according to the leaders of the project, you obviously want to demonstrate to other scientists the fruit that would give a research as "independent, private and without restrictions", as they qualify the initiative. "The development of the technology of Asgardia will be a continuous process and in constant evolution with the support of the contributions of experts in different parts of the world, the individuals and collective organizations", adds the organisation of the project.

Asgardia, named in honor of a city of the norse mythology, still has no anthem, coat of arms, or flag. of course, nor is it recognised even by the United Nations or any international body.

But all this, according to officials, would change as you near the date of the first trip. For now, the "patriotic symbols" are built between all enrolled and interested to inhabit the new nation, which made it possible to mark a before and an after in the history of space exploration.


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