Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Germany requires Google to remove automatic suggestions - The País.com (Spain)

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The German Supreme Court has forced Google to remove from your search automatic suggestions if these combinations of terms infringe the rights of any person. The ruling is similar to the previously adopted by courts in France and Japan.


court revokes a previous judgment of the Cologne Regional Court agrees with the plaintiff, a businessman who sued the search engine because when you wrote your name in the search box automatically combined it with “Scientology” and “fraud”.

The complainant considered that their rights were violated by these suggestions, the search engine automatically based on previous uses. Google refused to remove the suggestions, despite requests by the plaintiff. From now Google should address complaints individually harmed by suigerencias potential of this function and act accordingly.

Since 2009 the U.S. company has integrated its auto-complete search automatic, but is giving you problems when names of people related to criminal activities.

A month ago a Japanese court on Monday sentenced Google by linking the name of a citizen of a criminal group when performing the auto search. Again, the search voluntarily refused to withdraw the bond, so that citizens had to go to court, which fined Google. And in 2010, also won her complaint in France France Private Center for Distance Education (CNFDI) by linking the autocomplete to “scam”.

The difference between these cases is that the German court Google requires that, in the future, heed complaints from individual citizens without going to court and also act accordingly. So far Google has denied any voluntary change and blames all the blame on their algorithms.

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