Sunday, May 19, 2013

Yahoo! Tumblr approve the purchase of 850 million euros - The Paí (Spain)

took several days rumor circulating around New York and is about to become official. The Yahoo! Board of Directors authorized Marissa Mayer to proceed with the purchase of Tumblr website in an operation in which the disburse 1,100 million dollars (857 million euros) in cash. The announcement will coincide with an event today to introduce new products.

Tumblr is a blogging platform that brings together more than 100 million blogs on the Internet and recorded about 170 million unique visitors per month. Headquartered in New York, the site is run by David Karp, the founder. As only six years old and already one of the most network traffic generated in the U.S., surpassing even Google Blogger.

approved by the board was passed by The Wall Street Journal in its online edition. It is the largest purchase to date of Mayer, who recently acquired Summly, Astrid or Jybe looking to grow the traffic that goes to your website and thus boost revenues. Also just introduced a new design of its website, the messaging service and Flickr.

Tumblr does not seek only an increase of visits also increased user engagement with the services offered by Yahoo! on its website in order to attract advertisers. The blogging platform has scheduled a press conference for Monday afternoon in New York. “To share something special.” The two companies had been negotiating for several weeks.

The traffic operation seeks to strengthen the company run by Marissa Mayer

Yahoo! technology is one of the best paid in the last 12 months on Wall Street. Its shares fell from $ 14.5 paid in August to more than $ 27 earlier this month. That represents an increase of over 70%, exceeding even 50% of Google. This performance contrasts with that of Facebook, which celebrates its first anniversary losing 30%.

is a vote of confidence in the management of Mayer, who since joining Yahoo as CEO in July last year, is to turn around the fortunes of Silicon Valley. The management of the company underwent several changes as the executive draft tried to gain control of new and emerging companies to attract talent.

Yahoo! needed again become relevant again in order to regain the ground lost to Google and Facebook among young people. Tumblr Buying fits this dual strategy of talent and gain more traffic, plus

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