Friday, May 17, 2013

Anatomy of Glass - The Paí (Spain)

expected much more from Glass glasses at I / O in San Francisco, but just cited. The official part of the conference Google has gone over the last year flagship product. Why? In order not to generate much disappointment.

Google has released only about 4,000 units between developers willing to pay $ 1,500 for them. That’s the barrier to entry into this new world. After use seems a logical strategy. They are beautiful, very well designed, they are not heavy, but give a sense of falling short on choice and programs.

That’s the key. Google makes sure that these first devices serve to create a world of applications. When you wear them, the first and most important is fit well to have the correct display contrast and otherwise may be uncomfortable. The battery lasts 4 to 6 hours.

moment you can only see emails, take pictures and videos, attach them or share them on Google+, view maps, with information on nearby businesses, and view weather information.

does it look? Much like when you look at the arrivals and departure screens in the airport, just look a little into the upper right to see how it overlaps an information layer. The rest looks fine. It is as if reality were to become a screen on which to project content. Do not bother to walk, but get the feeling that may not be so comfortable at the wheel.

pin boss. At the end of it, hiding behind her ear drums. On the right side, next to the temple is the shutter button. Double tap to change on the menu, one to confirm or to cancel or go back slide your finger up and down. From front to behind, to advance the menu. No need to know more.

might be interesting not only for entertainment with movies and video games (a field that can be exploited with great creativity in this format), also for utilities, giving information that surrounds us. Even great for tourism, adventure or visit to a museum. Also for a doctor to see a patient information as he recognizes, for example. They offer a whole world open to the imagination. Larry Page, CEO of Google, conforms to save videos and photos of their children.

who have used more intensively ensure you have some fatigue in his right eye by an unusual movement, but very repetitive. Will they lack specific exercises for glasses Glass? A new vision therapy perhaps?

For now, Google Goggles drag more questions and expectations realities. The Christmas period date was given for marketing, seems too close.

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