Friday, October 24, 2014

China launched an experimental lunar lander – FOX News

It is part of the preparation of the country for the first unmanned trip that country to the surface of the Moon.

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China launched an experimental spacecraft to the moon and back circunvuele the Land preparation for the first trip unmanned Tunisia to the surface of the Moon.

The eight-day program that began Friday is a test for a mission scheduled for 2017 intends to Chinese place a spacecraft in lunar soil, collect samples and return to Earth. That would make the burgeoning space power China is only the third nation that takes such a mission, after the United States and Russia.

The ship took off from the center of Xichang satellite launch in western the country, at dawn, was separated from the booster rocket and entered Earth orbit soon after, the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense said, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

The lunar exploration program of china, called Chang’e by a goddess from mythology, has already released a couple of lunar orbiters and last year lunar soil placed in a ship with a browser on board the vehicle. None of these missions was scheduled to return to Earth.

China also has hinted the possibility of a manned mission to the Moon in the future mission if officials decide to combine programs spaceflight and lunar exploration.

Xinhua said the last mission seeks to “obtain and validate experimental data re-entry technologies as guides, navigation and control, thermal position and trajectory design” for the next satellite to land on the moon named Chang ‘e 5.

return to the ground using a method of Soviet design which first bounce off the atmosphere of the Earth to slow its speed and enter the atmosphere without burning.

The Chinese special program, which has the backing of the army, is a great source of national pride, especially his series of successful unmanned missions that have put up three astronauts at a time in an experimental space station.

China sent its first astronaut into space in 2003, becoming the third country that can travel into space independently, after Russia and the United States.

The Asian giant has launched a series of steps methodically timed independent of the American program, which has six decades of experience in sending people into space, and long-term plans to go to an asteroid and Mars.

Along with the program manned, China is developing the . Long March 5 rocket propulsion necessary to launch more powerful permanent space station called Tiangong 2

. Source: AP



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