Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Twitter activates a feature that detects “tweets” violent – La Prensa Grafica

Twitter today announced new measures against abuse and violence in the network of “microblogging” as the implementation of a feature that detects “tweets” abusive or ability to block accounts temporarily.

The US company has begun testing a new feature that identifies aggressive or violent tweets and restrict them, so that neither the users that are targeted attacks nor his followers see offensive messages.

This feature informs Twitter in his blog, has different factors for analysis, as the age of the account and the similarity of the messages previously identified as aggressive tweets

Furthermore, it extends the range of action against certain messages in mind.: previously only direct threats, now incitement to hatred or violence.

And the company may temporarily block the user accounts who commit abuses.

prohibiting “Our previous policy was too limited and limiting our ability to react to certain types of bullying behavior, “the network” microblogging “.

In recent months, Twitter has implemented measures to limit abuse and deter” trolls “-those who engage users bother internet -.

Among them, an improvement of the tools to report content and behavior or require users who break the rules identified by a number.

Last February, the technology company claimed that it had tripled the team involved in detecting and responding to abusive behavior and five the number of reports they answer.

According to Twitter is a “priority” both respond appropriately to the offensive behavior as being able to implement measures to discourage having offensive behavior.


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