Monday, September 30, 2013

Android tablet sales exceed those of iPad for the first time - The

Android tablets have surpassed sales for the first time in the iPads during the second quarter of 2013, according to a report from ABI Research. In addition, the maturity of the Google operating system has been reinforced by two data: the first is that income earned by operating system tablets with Apple and Google have been the same and the second, that the average selling price of both classes is approaching. Do not forget that ests ‘battle’ Apple Pound against all other manufacturers.

According to ABI Research, total sales of iPads has fallen 17%, which contrasts with the increase of 23% over the same period in other years. After a flurry of sales due to the phenomenon generated by the iPad, it seems that sales are reassuring. Revenue from iPads have resulted in 12,700 million , an amount first course only has 50% of the profits of tablets.

“The ‘tablets’ are smaller than the 7 inch screen has proven to be preferred by the users,” said irector Jeff Orr of ABI Research. In addition, this confirmed that the data indicated that the iPad mini 7.9 inches represented about 60% of total iPad shipments , and 49% of sales revenue this quarter iPad .

In parallel, it has also changed the ASP index of tablets. Last year 2012, the average selling price has decreased by 17%, while the rest of the market increased by the same percentage. This fall the iPad has been attributed to the introduction and volume change iPad mini.

“Twelve months on top is too long for the life cycle of a tablet today” ,-said Orr-”so that Apple remains the leader, must innovate and send the real world what this market needs. “

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