Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gear Galaxy, Samsung Smart Clock - RTVE

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international rumor mill and analysts suggest that may be the next battlefield in the technology industry. After smartphones and tablets, is now the turn of fight for podium corner the smart watches , the “smartwatches”.

Although well devices are not new , (long existed similar products like Sony SmartWatch or Pebble), GEAR is a firmer commitment that also comes at a time when Apple is rumored that also could be cooking like a gimmick, a hypothetical IWatch.

Currently, the South Korean company has given first, rather than in the technology sector does not always mean giving twice. GEAR is a complement, a wristwatch futuristic design works associated with a phone SAMSUNG high-end, from time to NOTE 3 that just will go on sale the same Wednesday 25. Yes, very soon, and based on software updates, GEAR terminals will also support popular as Galaxy S4, S3, Galaxy Note 2.

For those addicted to communication

GEAR, us to make and receive calls without taking the phone pocket. But also read emails and notifications and through voice commands, (which at least in the test we have done work correctly), to write.

Touch Screen 1.6 inch SuperAMOLED technology is touch and is ready to make it look even in high light conditions. It features large icons and simple to interpret and navigation is intuitive gestures such as swiping with one or more fingers to perform the actions. belt, joins a camera with a fairly low resolution (1.9 megapixels), which does not replace the mobile but allows quick photos that go directly to your phone’s gallery.

Weight was an aspect to keep in mind and to not increase, the watch incorporates neither headphone jack (so you have to talk and listen with the wrist placed in the ear and the risk of the rest will find out what we are told) nor too large battery. We say hold over 30 hours of use , and recharged with a base from which emerges a USB connector.

Linking with the phone, I repeat, it is imperative to work, is made by NFC and Bluetooth requires always wear. And all this, with an internal memory of 4 Gigas can not expand, and with a 800 Mhz processor.

A bittersweet

first sensation GEAR has left us after our doll to have him for a few minutes is good, but there are details that do not quite convince. The first problem that arises is the need to rely on a high-end mobile Samsung company in order to function, which directly restricts the field of users who own a Note 3 (which will also be released on the 25th) or Galaxy least S4 or S3 are updated once these devices. The price, although not confirmed, exceed 200 euros and that for an add, seems quite high.

The next question that remains to be clear is the use … What I want a smart watch? … To that question, respond time and application developers, because his hand is creating interesting utilities for this device. Today, very few, but there are many independent companies working on it.

As always, and in the case of a watch, time will tell …

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