Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Google celebrates the last day of the year with a doodle pointing the … – Diario La Provincia SJ

The internet search engine world’s most famous pays tribute to the last day of 2014 and proposes a doodle on your page with an animation in which several elements representing important moments of this year draws to a listed .

The numbers dance and move along with other drawings. For example, you can see a football, referring to the world held in Brazil or the Philae probe, referring to scientific achievement that has led to the arrival of the unit to a comet.

Specifically The ten themes more bucados as Google in 2014 are: the World Cup, Robin Williams, the Commonwealth Games, Malaysia Airlines, iPhone 6, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlotte Dawson, Flappy Bird, Spark and Ebola, in that order.

The doodles are drawings that decorate the letters of the search in an original way and that highlight some relevant or curious event, like Christmas, the birth of Freddy Mercury (Queen singer), the anniversary of Marie Curie or Charles Dickens or the visit of the Queen of England to the facilities of Google in England.

The interactivity has been one of the great innovations of doodle, which allowed play Pacman on your 30th anniversary or compose songs with hilarious Les Paul guitar. Even allowed to play with a series of colored balls react and move in contact with the mouse, made with HTML 5, to show the world the new language that lay out web pages.

Google has also surprised honoring the discovery of Vitamin C or the birth of the Valencian painter Joaquín Sorolla or mathematician Fermat. The world’s most famous search engine has also had memories designer Cinderella.

The impact of Google Doodle is such that not only has a department that is responsible for creating them, but even convenes international competitions between Young to release new designs on specific topics, such as football.


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