Friday, December 26, 2014

The ‘Squadron Lizard’ means the ‘Grinch’ that damaged christmas Sony and … –

Christmas, that day of the year when game companies concentrann all your efforts; the day that thousands of children, adolescents and adults light a dedicated console and brand the fashion game, was also the day that a group of hackers decided to ‘ruin’ fun lovers Sony PlayStation and Xbox of Microsoft, more consoles sold this season.

Online services consoles from Sony and Microsoft were out of service after a claimed by a group of hackers known as’ Lizard attack Squad ‘or’ Squadron Lizard ‘in Spanish.

The disruption of services began on Christmas Day and both companies said Friday through their Twitter accounts that were working to restore the service. A message posted on the website of Xbox early on December 26 stated that the service was “limited” and that support teams looking for ways to solve the problem.

An account on Twitter recently created a user who identifies as ‘Lizard Squad’ claimed responsibility for the attack. This name would be the same for a group of hackers who attacked targets Sony last August, although it was not possible to establish the veracity of the information posted on Twitter.

‘Fans ‘seeking fame

The movie studio Sony Pictures Television was targeted in late November and huge sophisticated cyberattack whose authors, a group called “Guardians of Peace” seized numerous information from their servers. Hackers that this attack is awarded then demanded to Sony Pictures to cancel the premiere of a satirical film about a CIA plan to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

After ominous threats, the study was forced to cancel the screening of the film, but a few days later backtracked and announced with great fanfare that the film would be broadcast on Christmas night as planned, a decision that was applauded by President Barack Obama.

The US government accused Pyongyang of being behind the attack, because the isolated communist country was shown to have little sense of humor to parody their leader, titled ‘ The Interview ‘. In addition to distributing the film in a limited number of theaters, Sony Pictures put it available online, also including Microsoft’s Xbox console and soon the Sony PlayStation.

The Twitter accountPlayStation then said Friday that he is aware” that some users are having trouble accessing “online service and the” engineers are investigating. “

For some analysts, is unlikely to be a direct connection between the cyber Sony Pictures and the current attack on PlayStation and Xbox, and the latter is more like the work of ‘fans’ in search of fame. “The timing suggests that this is an attack that can be put in the category of teenagers who want their five minutes of glory,” said Pierre Samson, the computer security firm Circle European Security and Information Systems.

The American newspaper The Washington Post ‘deepened over the actions of’ Lizard Squad ‘and plans.

“There is very little chance that this has a direct link with the attack on Sony Pictures “and added that daily thousands of similar attacks are launched, usually without success.

TIME, AFP and Reuters.


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