Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ericsson sues Apple – Univision


The Swedish manufacturer of telecommunications Ericsson

-. Getty Images


The Swedish telecom equipment maker Ericsson filed several lawsuits against US computer giant Apple for patent violation, said Friday.


“Apple currently uses our technology without authorization and request therefore the help of the court and the ITC,” US International Trade Commission said in a statement Kasim Alfalahi, head of Ericsson’s intellectual property.


“Apple products benefit from it invented and patented by engineers at Ericsson (…) technology we are determined to share our innovations and tried in good faith to find a fair solution,” he added.


Ericsson filed two complaints with the ITC-seven at a Texas court.


The Swedish company tries to sell Apple products using standards-related mobile communication 2G and 4G / LTE (Long-Term Evolution) patent is prohibited. He also wants to be granted damages for violation of patents for “critical” components of other Apple devices.


The US company had to renew their license agreements with Ericsson last month, but rejected the offer of the Swedish manufacturer, considering that asking too much money.


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