Friday, February 27, 2015

The dilemma dress that captured the social networks – (Argentina)

If the Thursday night before bed, someone picked up the phone and looked at Twitter, has been crossed with the first stream of tweets that spoke of a dress. Yes, that dress. The same as yesterday still fighting positions against Captain Spock in the top ten of trending topics with its two versions hashtag (#thedress and #elvestido), who also captured the attention of news sites around the world and, like all viral, was used by brands and reversionado in countless memes. A mystery that, in the end, revealed politicians, celebrities and scientists from a simple question: is it the white and gold dress or blue and black

In this dilemma the debate became engrossed that Yesterday monopolized social networks: everyone defended the color scheme that saw -most white and Dorado- and even a diplomat said see both, depending on the position you put the screen with respect to the light

The first trace of the discussion leads to a wedding held last weekend in a small Scottish island called Colonsay (globalization tell). It was the dress of the bride: no one could agree on their color scheme. As reported in The New York Times, looking for an answer, Caitlin McNeill, a girl of 21 who had attended the wedding, decided to upload the photo to your Tumblr dress with the following caption: “Guys, help me: is this dress white and gold or blue and black? My friends and I we agree and we’re going crazy. “

By now well know Caitlin was still no agreement. What not to understand is how that started posting 500 likes in half an hour, which tens of thousands were fired in an hour, jumping from site BuzzFeed Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter.

“For all those wondering, I see blue and black” Justin Bieber tweeted yesterday. Singer Taylor Swift was also played by those colors: “I do not understand this strange debate on the dress and feel that somehow there’s a catch’m confused and frightened Please obviously is blue and black..”

<. p> On the other hand, the recent Oscar winner Julianne Moore who assured see white and gold, like the Delevingne face model, which attributed the confusion of many a theme of light stood since the picture was taken at dusk .

The host Ellen DeGeneres, with experience in viralizaciones- did not stay in the dichotomy but scoffed a bit of the phenomenon: “From this day, the world is divided between two blue and black,. or white and gold, “he tweeted yesterday.

The debate on the color of dress exposes a fundamental fact is that not all perceive colors the same way. It does not color blind for a person to see the dress in one color and another, another. Experts agreed that the case of the dress is a good example of how environmental factors such as light affect our perception. The dress on the tweeted photo appears in shades with bright daylight background. Given this very blurred image based on the contrast of light, the brain of each one tries to determine what would be the color if instead of being in the shade, the dress was light.

This is an unconscious process that not all brains processed in the same way. So say scientists: many people to respond to what colors the dress is actually what color are responding believe their brains would be the dress if you were in most pristine light conditions. This basic explanation is possible adding them other. Like the fact that the perception of certain colors -particularly blue- change with age.

The famous local also divided opinions. But Malena Ginzburg mood changed with the axis of the debate: “No matter what color dress … sure that the only detail left is S or XS & amp;”. Occurrences left over. Memes too. Until politicians seized. Julio Cobos, former Foreign Minister Jorge Taiana, among others

And as happened in social networks with the phenomenon of Fifty Shades of Grey , the marks gouged juice to this new viral. As this tweet with a picture of a can of soda and the legend “New Pepsi white and gold.” .


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