Thursday, February 26, 2015

In the US broadband will be a public service – (Argentina)

As expected for 11 days the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC, for its acronym in English) yesterday approved the proposal that broadband operators that country be reclassified under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. This means you will no longer be almost free of state regulation and will become common carriers, which will be subject to strict rules of interconnection and non-discrimination. Is not regulated, however, the rates. The decision was seen as a triumph of net neutrality.

It was, strictly speaking a voice vote, because the board of the FCC consists of three Democrats and two Republicans. The former have always defended the net neutrality, while Republicans, opposed to state intervention, prefer Internet also is regulated by the market. Therefore it is anticipated that now submit bills to minimize the effect of the new provision of the FCC. An avalanche of lawsuits is also planned.

What is Net Neutrality? The creator of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee, and one of the inventors of the Internet, Vinton Cerf, are staunch supporters of neutrality. Bob Kahn, the other parent of the Internet, is sworn enemy of neutrality. How can that be? The explanation is simple: the phrase “net neutrality” means several different things

On the one hand, it means that no data traffic can be discriminated or privileged arbitrarily.. If telephone and cable companies began to collect from Netflix or YouTube for a connection very high speed, could avoid investing in connection high speed for companies that do not pay that rate and also drown to new ventures, leaving Network in the hands of a few large wallets. In a well Internet or Netflix or YouTube would have had no chance to emerge. This is often referred Cerf and Berners-Lee.

However, while, in many situations it is necessary to prioritize certain data packets, for example to avoid congestion. This refers Bob Kahn.

Everyone has a part of the reason, and legislate neutrality has proved arduous. While Slovenia, the Netherlands and Israel have circumscribed neutrality through a series of exceptions, Argentina and Chile pose a monolithic neutrality. A simplification in the neighboring country, has made Wikipedia Zero illegal, because priority traffic encyclopedia is contrary to neutrality. . Although benefit the most vulnerable sectors

As for the FCC decision is limited to the United States and the effect is purely local; Internet is global by definition. However, it could set a precedent and, in fact, the English House of Lords made last week called for the government of that country also reclassify broadband as a public service. In the letter cited the case of Estonia, where internet access is considered a human right. As in Finland.

The general consensus is, however, that there will be major changes in the short to consumers (US). The standard will become effective 60 days after publication in the Official Gazette. The battle for an open Internet, which is the goal, just beginning. .


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