Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10 Back to the Future curiosities you might not know – Daily Mail

Today is a great day for fans of ‘Back to the Future . It happens that an October 21, Marty McFly came from the past to his adventures in 2015. Something that has literally gone crazy their fans, who do not stop social sharing everything about the trilogy.

It is then that we decided to count in this article are some things you can not know about ‘Back to the Future’ , which include changes in actors, internal details from scenes, and predictions of the future, noting that today, October 21, 2015 is the year that reached Marty McFly after traveling to the future 30 years earlier, in 1985.

1 .- When Marty McFly makes the test with his guitar to the prom in 1985 in ‘Back to the Future’, the song that plays is “The Power of Love” the group of Huey Lewis and the News . The jury rejected for being “too noisy” and the actor who allows them to continue is the proper Huey Lewis, who made a cameo censoring their own music.

2. As the first film begins Back to the Future, in the scene in which Marty go to the mall for the appointment with Doc, a sign appears with the name of the place: “Twin Pines Mall” (Center Commercial Twins Pines), with a picture of two pines as logo. Later, in his first trip to 1955, you have to flee the farm because you are confused with an alien, taking one of the two pines in front. When you return to 1985 we can see the same sign of the mall, but with a difference. Now says “Lone Pine Mall” (Lone Pine Mall). From that moment, at any time after 1985 when the name was maintained.

3. Michael J. Fox, the actor who plays Marty , had notions skating but I had to learn to skate really for the film. He also had a double for more complicated scenes and advice from Tony Hawk . Indeed in principle Hawk it was going to be this double, but it was too high compared to Michael as to make it right.

4. On the hoverboard or skateboard, once Robert Zemeckis ( director of the saga) joked in an interview saying that really existed and worked with “magnetic energy”, but that no request had been marketed by some parents’ associations, who considered dangerous for children. After this, Mattel (whose logo appeared in 2015 hoverboard as if the manufacturer) I was overwhelmed by calls received requesting a copy of the skateboard. Unfortunately despite many attempts still does not exist.

5. The school dance of the first film Back to the Future , replacing the guitarist Marty orchestra so you can take out the plan that their parents love. Guitarist said he had injured his hand just before the performance, so he stood by the stage while Marty played “Johnny B. Goode”, the masterpiece of Chuck Berry. Of course, in that year, 1955, there were still three more years for the compusiese Chuck Berry. During the performance, the guitarist telephones and says “Primo Chuck, remember the sound you were looking for? Listen to this.” Guitarist named Marvin Berry.

6. Crispin Glover , actor playing George McFly , Marty’s father, in theory put a pretty high salary conditions when they were negotiated the sequels after the first film back to the future, so the team chose to replace him with another actor. The choice was Jeffrey Weissman , who had a purely testimonial role. In the few scenes in which he appeared, always he came back or side so that it does not identify you as an actor different from Glover. In addition, he was characterized as him, like hair and makeup, prosthetics and sunglasses, which served to sue Glover Steven Spielberg (the producer) for using his image without his consent. This created a precedent and the Screen Actors Guild legislated practice. By the way, Glover won his lawsuit. In 2010 he broke his silence and spoke of what happened, denying rumors about their financial claims and talking about the penalty he suffered in comparison with the rest of the cast.

7. Another case of character with different actor was that of Jennifer, Marty’s girlfriend. Claudia Wells was itself willing to join the team of the sequels, but her mother was diagnosed with cancer before shooting and chose to resign. Instead came Elisabeth Sue, also dressed and characterized as Jennifer who played Claudia.

8. In the second film Back to the Future , where Marty enters the cafeteria of 2015 sees two children playing video games in a corner. As he approaches, the camera focuses them closely. This child is nothing more and nothing less than Elijah Wood.

9. In the third film Back to the Future was built on a real train of the late nineteenth century for some scenes . This is the Sierra Railroad, 1897, which was already used nearly 40 years ago by Gary Cooper in High Noon (“High Noon”).

10. In the third film of Back to the Future , the ravine crossing the railway construction was still going to be called “Clayton Ravine” after Cayton Clara, Doc’s future wife was going to die in it. As the future changed thanks to the intervention of Marty and Doc, the ravine Barranco Eastwood came to be called, in honor of Clint Eastwood, the fictitious name of Marty in 1885, and he was given up for dead when he “disappeared” on it. Actually it again at the right time to travel there. When they return to 1985 can read the name on the sign of the bridge across the ravine

— Back to the Future. Protagonists were reunited in program (VIDEO)

— Back to the future: This is the scene where they get to October 21, 2015


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