Saturday, August 30, 2014

Microsoft removes over 1,500 apps Windows Store – The IT Group

Microsoft wants to improve the ecosystem of Windows apps. With the Windows 8 Windows Store came with specific apps Modern UI. Now the multinational has eliminated more than 1,500 apps Windows Store .

The reason is that these trick the user with misleading titles or descriptions . Apparently they would shoddy apps that claim to get followers easily. Microsoft is committed to quality of apps in the Windows Store.

has changed politics addition for developers are clear and precise in describing the functionality of your app. apps in the Windows Store must be categorized according to their function and purpose . They must also have icons that do not give rise to confusion with other apps.

Microsoft recognizes that the review of the Windows Store apps has much work to do but they are in it. Encourage users to report any problems with apps hosted on the Windows Store for Windows Phone, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

Nothing more than 1,500 apps have been removed so immediate . The company claims that will return the cost of these apps users to buy my payment, they were misleading in the title or description.

Recently, the Windows Store for Windows Phone beat 300,000 apps and now just see that the number decreases in a small proportion. Microsoft also said that hundreds of apps are up to date on the Windows Store for Mobile.


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