Thursday, August 21, 2014

The best communication strategy for a startup … –

Juan A. Marin | Bolsamania | Aug 20, 2014 17:12 – Updated: 17:34 | Discuss | | |

08/20/14 17:33
  • Volume: 4,982,236
  • = 200 MM –
  • Max: 45.2100
  • Min: 44.7600

<- Realtime

The importance of social networking in business is growing. The positioning and dissemination of the activity of a company through Twitter is essential to enhance the brand image and get a larger number of customers interested in our business.


the currently most demanded professions is one of the most important in corporate communication relates. A good professional to take care of social networks, positioning and is a public relations executive is very necessary. can help improve reputation management, content generation and communication between the company and customers


Twitter can be used for increase sales in a business , expand the target audience it is directed our activities or project an innovative image line, with the time in which we live. To achieve this it is important to consider the indications, reactions and views of consumers.

A good profile draws attention and invites users and prospective customers to interact. For this we must look after the account name, a good profile picture, clear and accurate biography and all possible information. Description, location, phone and web page


Once made the profile must provide you with interesting content for our readers or potential customers. Getting to find members who regularly consume these contents and keep is most important.

Another strategy for content is try it becomes viral, that is, that have a major impact between followers and invite them to massively spread . This can be achieved by adding a value-added as prizes, discounts, coupons or future projects that can benefit.


With these publications is searched generate retweets for quality , to leave the traditional and go for the creative. Here, the figure of the community manager must consider the clarity of the messages that are published as well as moderate them properly.

must also be creative and spread smoothly content , always following the impact of the messages. . Know the consumer and master the technological tools at their disposal, are key to achieving a good balance between the cost of the shares and the profits


This three-stage strategy aims to generate expectations temporary (one week minimum), analyze the TimeLine Twitter to know the best time and monitor customer comments.

Finally, keep in mind that for sold for Twitter to be patience and go gradually introduced to people in the company. To do this, we must highlight the strengths of our business (our competitive advantage) and offer products that do not seem so an ad, publishing them with added value that motivates the prospective client.

Any publication that make on this social network has to serve for reinforce the objectives and help improve (or maintain) the brand image . This will produce a link between the community and the company that is achieved by constructing tweets thinking customers.


In addition to completing content, it is very important to consider the answers, incidents and concerns of users. Tools like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck or CoTweet are úitiles to tweets programs, analyze the scope of mentions, retweets and favorites community.

This information will be of great help obtain a set of fans that consume our content and are interested in what we sell . Thus, we can build contents or strategies designed to expand the image or face competition. In addition, we know the indices of productivity quantitatively and qualitatively by a reporting individual, accurate and objective information


– The Mediaset direct attack on Twitter: #AscoMediaset becomes trending topic

– Video and advertising: the new formula for success for Twitter

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