Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Strangers on my Twitter – The Paí (Spain)

The obsession to get users to spend more and more time in service has made Twitter break up its initial premises. The ‘timeline’ quiet place to query the contents of the profiles that follow, has begun to show tweets from people you do not follow. A motion to certify the triumph of the algorithm, the calculation based on the interests of the service and artificial intelligence, on personal preference. For now, these are accounts whose content is related to which is chosen manually, but leaves open to the inclusion of advertising, without prior consultation to collate door.

This type of change is considered normal within the service. Earlier this week they decided to convert the tweets marked as favorite, usually to indicate they liked the reader or a way to store in retweets, ie, they sent to all followers.

The social network has not issued any statement, but it has changed the terms of use: “When we identify a tweet or account to follow, or any other content that is popular or relevant, we can add it to your ‘timeline’. This means that sometimes you’ll see tweets of accounts you do not follow. Select each tweet from some signals, such as popularity or how what your contacts are movimento. Our goal is that your home is becoming more relevant and interesting. “

The controversy has erupted within the service. Most of the complaints indicate that it is an intrusion into their preferences. Twitter, which now has over 400 million registered users, faces several challenges: the conquest of new markets, discovering relevant content and encourage users to be more active. It is estimated that only 10% of accounts are updated in a week. The border between those who create and those who consume is widening, presenting something of interest based on tastes, by his logic, can be used to renovate the first impression and invite new users to discover.

Among his plans for the remainder of the year and the next is becoming a global platform for video. Television is your best ally with global agreements increasingly sports. They offer replays and exclusive content from a particular tag (hashtag).

The signing of Baljeet Singh, is its clear commitment. For five years he led the advertising strategy within YouTube. Now he wants to repeat the success in the 140 characters and offering professional audiovisual content generated by users in the same medium. Experimentally, Tony Hawk, skateboard legend, native is climbing videos without linking to an additional service without the restriction of only six seconds Vine. One alternative would be foray into the world of broadcast.


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