Thursday, March 26, 2015

Facebook drones will be larger than an airplane – Terra Peru

Facebook wants to make their own drones to expand access to Internet connections around the world.

During the F8 developer conference, Mike Schroepfer, president of technology Facebook announced new plans of the company and showed its first prototype of a drone.

The drones are about as large as a Boeing 676 wings, but a total weight of a small car, and use solar energy to blow.

Facebook estimates that between 1,100 million and 2,800 million people live beyond the reach of cellular networks. Facebook has worked in the Philippines and Paraguay to double the number of people who have access to cellular networks by partnering with telephone operators. Therefore, the social network is clear that to help more people have access to the Internet is necessary to develop new technologies.

Photo: Getty Images

A Boeing 737 flying across the sky.

Photo: Getty Images

More Facebook is not the only company that is developing † ea different technologies to expand access to Internet. Google has been developing Project Loon, trying to create an access point to the Internet via balloons in rural areas around the world.

Photo: Juan Garz & # XF3; n / CNET Espa & # xF1; ol

The drones will be as big as a commercial jet and provide free internet.

Photo: Juan Garzon / CNET in Spanish

The drone Facebook purpose would connect more people to have access to is an association of Facebook with seven companies in the mobile industry, including Ericsson Samsung, MediaTek, Microsoft, Opera, Reliance and Qualcomm, which aims to Internet providing low-cost or free to developing or remote areas where cellular signals do not reach countries.

Juan Garzon – More on CNET in Spanish.

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