Friday, March 20, 2015

Solar eclipse in the northern hemisphere – Clarí

Some were luckier than others. And finally the magical spectacle of a solar eclipse was subject to the blessed clouds. In Britain, for example, they missed it. And I was nothing but a gray sky. But in much of the northern hemisphere the show was there to enjoy: view nightfall in broad daylight

From early in the morning, scientists began to observe from. Atlantic Ocean how moon partially hid the sun.


“It’s very beautiful. It is one of the most wonderful astronomical shows that you can see “, celebrated astrophysicist Alfred Rosenberg, one of the first to have enjoyed the event from the observatory in the Canary Islands.

The eclipse a tour that began in Europe. It will run its course in northwest Africa and Asia, and then in the Middle East before end your tour near the North Pole.

A man uses special glasses to see the solar eclipse in Athens. / Reuters

As usual, the authorities have multiplied warnings, urging people to wear special protective glasses to prevent eye damage.

To avoid the bad weather, there will be boarding planes scientists and astronomy lovers, to allow them to go see the “black sun” above the clouds. Upon payment of several hundred euros per head. A group of 50 Danish chartered a Boeing 737, especially for the occasion.

For the tenth time since the beginning of XXI century, the solar eclipse will be total, but only the entire phenomenon can be seen from remote areas of the planet . A total solar eclipse is a matter of distance and alignment: it is necessary that the moon is interleaved with the sun on a perfect axis at a distance close enough for our plans so that the apparent diameter exceeds the satellite of the sun, covering it completely .

The Moon cover the sun in San Petersburg, during the solar eclipse in the northern hemisphere. / AP

By chance, the eclipse coincides with the spring equinox, when the sun passes the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere as well as the “Supermoon” (full moon at perigee, the point where the satellite is closest to Earth). Many astronomical events put together the superstitious in alarm.

But the reality is that unless a drop in pressure in electricity networks that feed on sunlight and an increase in tidal coasts Altántico, there will be other drawbacks to face

(Source: agencies).


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