Sunday, October 27, 2013

François Englert: 'I like to call' God particle 'because ... - La Opinión A Coruña


Take itemprop=”articleBody”> and gesture impressed the great find has the surname of the other winner, Peter Higgs, who shares both the Prince of Asturias Award, which collected on Friday, as the Nobel receive in December. François Englert stresses that these sorely missed days at another architect of great progress, the New Yorker Robert Brout Belgian citizen, who died in 2011, who investigated for many years and who joined him bonds of deep friendship.

itemprop=”articleBody”>-For starters, a challenge that so far very few, perhaps no one has been able to overcome. Can you explain in a minute what is the Higgs boson?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-The Higgs boson is a particle that detects a mechanism, which is the Brout or BEH mechanism (Brout-Englert-Higgs). And that mechanism is going to give mass to elementary particles. And, for reasons too complicated to explain here, to understand the existence of forces at close range inside the nucleus of atoms. The essence of this mechanism that brings to light boson is the existence of a kind of condensation of field that is present throughout the universe, and that field is what gives these properties of the origin of mass and the transformation of some forces acting at a great distance but here act at very close range. It’s very complicated. The Higgs is something that is removed from the field, of that fluid, so you can check all the underlying theory that has been developed by Brout and me, and independently by Higgs in 1964.

itemprop=”articleBody”>-One minute and 37 seconds: it’s not bad. But the Higgs is a real effect or a symptom?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-not a symptom or effect. It is a particle that checks, verifies the validity of a theory that explains many things, including the origin of mass, and the nature of the forces.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – Is not it strange take 50 years to see recognized his discovery of the Higgs?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-Not so in reality. It is because the particle had a mass that the theory did not provide, which we did not know in advance. The theory had to verify. It was found in the 70s of last century in most of its elements, except for a crucial test was to detect the Higgs mass not knew. And that was not affordable or mass readable equipment and accelerators of the time. Thus only could detect and check now. It was a problem of having adequate equipment and apparatus, such as the LHC (particle accelerator) at CERN.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – came to fear the possibility of leaving this world without recognition of their contribution to science? Did you ever feel like the Van Gogh of science?

itemprop=”articleBody”> – (Laughter) My artistic qualities are negligible, which not dream of comparing myself to Van Gogh. Fortunately, doctors have managed to stay alive.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – Why it is called the Higgs boson? Is it just the name? Do you like?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-The proper name is not exactly, but in any case not very important. What is a shame is that the name has been used for attribute Higgs boson very general properties which are not really his. For example, we often read in the press that the Higgs mass attributed to particles, and that’s not true. Now that’s unfortunate. No mass attributed not given mass, is the condensation of bosons in this field that is present throughout the universe that gives the dough. The particle only serves to detect the field, but in itself, per se, does not confer mass, mass does not. But back to the matter of the name, I do not mind being called Higgs boson.

itemprop=”articleBody”>-Because his relationship with Peter Higgs is good, right?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-I have known him not long ago, but we’ve seen at CERN on July 4, 2012 and our relations are good, and I was surprised that he had another opinion. It you ask when you want. But be careful. Do not annoy people. Where I do insist on is that we must not attribute to the particle properties that are much larger than real.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – Did you feel more emotion when he discovered the Higgs half century ago or last year when CERN empirically confirmed its existence?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-Somehow, we discovered not only the Higgs, but the whole theory behind the Higgs, we had the feeling of having made a great discovery, and widely celebrated Robert Brout and me. Brout died two years ago and kept him very close cooperation and friendly. I remember we had a champagne to celebrate. We did not know if he would then be able to demonstrate, but we knew it was something important.

itemprop=”articleBody”>-That day when he got home, after drinking the champagne, he explained how his family?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-Physics is a very difficult to explain, and we see in the press at times.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – Should I be married to a physical specialist to not feel misunderstood?

itemprop=”articleBody”> ‘My wife is not a specialist in physics. I think not.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – Does the methodology fully successful CERN has used in his experiment?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-Sure. Clearly.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – What is the present or future value of this finding?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-world knowledge, understanding of things. It is not necessarily to find a brand new toothbrush or something concrete. Is a more general purpose. It is a basic human company: knowing where it comes from humanity, what happens and how it happens.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – Is the Higgs discovery of the proudest feels or has made others who have had less impact but seem most deserving?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-There are things from which I have done that I am proud, and especially those that have made Brout that seem as important as this. And it was the opinion he had Brout about it, but it may be too early to tell if we were right, because, as you said, it takes 50 years.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – do you think that is called the boson “God particle”?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-It seems a shame because God has nothing to do with this. Whether or not, God has nothing to do with the development of science.

itemprop=”articleBody”> – Do you believe in God?

itemprop=”articleBody”>-No. To better answer would say there are a lot of things I do not understand but, well, not worth a.

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