Thursday, October 24, 2013

Higgs says that "there is no conflict between the creator God and what ... - CNN

Oviedo. (EP). – Physicist Peter Higgs , one of the winners of the Prince Asturias Technical and Scientific Research for the discovery of Higgs Boson , said that their finding “gives a physical reason” why there is life, a fact that, in his opinion, is not incompatible with the conception of the existence of God.

“Although I am not a believer, there is no conflict between the creator God and what we have discovered the universe is perfectly possible to have religious beliefs and science be both,” he said during the press conference on Thursday in Oviedo .

have also appeared before the media the other two winners in this category, FranÇois Englert, who also theorized about the existence of the particle, and Rolf Heuer, director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), where produced experimental confirmation of the existence of the Higgs.

Heuer has indicated that this discovery belongs to basic science and therefore will not have an immediate application, though, has predicted that “certainly applies at some point.” For now, explained that what brings the discovery is the knowledge of why life can exist.

“This mechanism is necessary to give fundamental particles (of which all things are made) mass without mass could not find composite material, everything would be floating around the universe,” he said.

Investing in research

Moreover, the three winners were unanimous defended investment in scientific research in Spain. “It’s very important not to cut back on research, it is the basis to overcome the economic crisis and is the main way to moderate the future”, expressed Heuer.

“In times of crisis we must make a balance between short and long term, because the longer the future, especially of young people, and I think that research is something that educates and provides the basis for the welfare” he added.

In the same line, Englert said, adding that “research is the foundation on which everything develops.” “If you overlooked the importance of science, what is happening is a repeat, copies of what others have done, but there is no creativity, so that the spirit of construction is lost,” he explained.


added that “it is very important to keep the development of fundamental science, but not only by progress in itself, but for the purpose of disseminating information and teach society to access rationality.”

Higgs has stated that “it would be a pity that in Spain, a country that until 30 years ago was far behind the other countries in support of science and in recent years has reached the most advanced countries, the crisis Economic Left Behind do that again. “

Winners absent

Given the controversy over the non-inclusion among the winners of some of the researchers who helped this finding, Higgs said that “it is unfortunate that the Nobel has not extended recognition to the people who contributed also in 1964″ when first formulated the theory.

finally reminded Robert Higgs Brout, a physicist who contributed to the research, and who died in 2011. “The recognition is attributed to several people, to the theory and the experimental, but I think at least one person who should have been included in the Nobel Prize,” he concluded.

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