Wednesday, October 23, 2013

USA. - A NASA spacecraft reached the moon during the closing ... - Reuters

Ship Cygnus


NEW YORK, 22 Oct (IRIN) –


Thus, reported that the mission ‘Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) went into orbit last October 6 and is now preparing to begin the study of the atmosphere of the satellite. This project opens a new laser communication system that achieves a data rate of over 300 megabits per second.

Experts have pointed out that it is a method similar to the networks of high-speed optical fiber that exist on Earth. “This will significantly improve space communications, especially in future human missions to an asteroid or Mars” have pointed out.

Also during closing, the Juno spacecraft, launched in 2011 on a five year journey to Jupiter, made its closest approach to Earth. This allowed him to take some pictures of the planet and allowed us to confirm that the spacecraft is functioning as expected, with a current path “almost perfect”.

addition, during these two weeks the Cygnus wash, launched in September, completed its inaugural cargo mission to the International Space Station (ISS) and on Tuesday began its return to Earth, disintegrating in the atmosphere. It is also planned undocking from the ISS Automated Transfer Vehicle CU-4 European Space Agency (ESA) after more than four months on the station.

As for upcoming projects, NASA explained that the November 7 Rick Mastracchio, Koichi Wakata and Mikhail Tyurin will be the new crew of the ISS. It will be the first match in nine atronautas space module.


, explained that Maven mission, which will study the Martian upper atmosphere, the agency continues prepared and will be launched on November 18 from Cape Canaveral (Florida).

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