Tuesday, January 20, 2015

SpaceX wants to found city on Mars – ElTiempo.com

Elon Musk, the CEO (acronym referring to the president of a company in the corporate jargon) of SpaceX, a company whose mission is to revolutionize space technology, plans to launch a fleet of 4,000 satellites to increase speed internet and bring the service to the regions and centers of population without access to the service.

It is estimated that the satellite network will cost around 10,000 million and finiquitarla will entail about five years of work, Musk revealed to Bloomberg.

With the profits from this project, Musk prospecting building a city on Mars. This businessman, who was one of the masterminds behind the creation of the online payment platform PayPal, wants to take humans to the Red Planet in the second half of the coming decade.

One of the ambitions of Musk with the satellite network is to have sufficient scope to bring internet to Mars as well.

Although SpaceX was met with skepticism in its infancy, has won followers and credibility in recent months. In September last year, won a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space United States (Nasa), 2,600 million, to carry astronauts into space.

With that purpose, SpaceX designed a spacecraft, named Dragon V2. It is expected that the first Dragon V2 travel to the International Space Station are realized in mid-2017.

The first look at the aircraft Dragon V2 occurred last May, the intention is that has the capacity to carry seven passengers and that can be reused for up to 10 trips.

As part of its forecast for the coming decades, SpaceX wants to expand its business with government support of the United States.

Another project being conducted Musk is the creation of electric vehicles very attractive. To that end, he created the company Tesla Motors.

In the third quarter of 2015, launched the Tesla Model X, a van with ability to accelerate from 0-100 km in less than five seconds.



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