Thursday, January 15, 2015

The asteroid 2004 BL86 rub Earth on January 26 at night – Zona Selecta


Although it seems that only the existed solar system with eight planets, our universe is composed of thousands and millions of bodies celestial, rocky and otherwise, that are beyond our visual range. It is known that many planets planets that exist in that dark space, which at first glance, we call heaven. And it is true that many things unknown, surrounding our beloved planet Earth. Many suppose that all that is unknown to us and is out there in that immensity, is dangerous . However, give reason in part to those words, for there to be clear, that not everything in space is safe, and considering that there are all kinds of bodies and matter floating at the mercy of the amplitude universal .

 The asteroid 2004 BL86 brush & # XE1; Earth on January 26 at night

Thus, as recently detailed, asteroid 2004 BL86, will mark its path around the earth on the night of January 26 of this year. Note that the size of this space rock formation, is approximately seven football fields . The distance between our planet and have this asteroid is about 1192.362 kilometers . A human eyes, we would say that’s a pretty extensive range, but for connoisseurs of astrophysics, determine that this issue is a rather short length .

 The asteroid 2004 BL86 brush & # XE1; Earth on January 26 in the night

Nevertheless, we must be relieved, as Caribbean Astronomical Society (SAC) has stated publicly that this distance is considered safe , since this body of 650 meters in diameter, will pass away about three times what is distant moon of Earth. The vice president of the SAC, Eddie Irizarry, informed the public that not required to have professional telescopes to observe the asteroid passing . Just use powerful binoculars or small telescopes, have the opportunity to enjoy the passing asteroid 2004 BL86. The next body of this type which can be seen in the sky, will be within 12 years or so

Source |. ComputerHoy


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